Visible to the public Research on Cyber Crime Threats and Countermeasures about Tor Anonymous Network Based on Meek Confusion Plug-in

TitleResearch on Cyber Crime Threats and Countermeasures about Tor Anonymous Network Based on Meek Confusion Plug-in
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsLin, Z., Tong, L., Zhijie, M., Zhen, L.
Conference Name2017 International Conference on Robots Intelligent System (ICRIS)
Date PublishedOct. 2017
ISBN Number978-1-5386-1227-9
KeywordsComputer crime, computer network security, countermeasure research, cyber crime threats, dark web, dark website, data privacy, deep website, flow obfuscation technology, Human Behavior, human factors, Intelligent systems, meek confusion plug-in, meek plug-in, network crime, pubcrawl, robots, Tor anonymous network, Tor onion network, Web sites

According to the new Tor network (6.0.5 version) can help the domestic users easily realize "over the wall", and of course criminals may use it to visit deep and dark website also. The paper analyzes the core technology of the new Tor network: the new flow obfuscation technology based on meek plug-in and real instance is used to verify the new Tor network's fast connectivity. On the basis of analyzing the traffic confusion mechanism and the network crime based on Tor, it puts forward some measures to prevent the using of Tor network to implement network crime.

Citation Keylin_research_2017