Visible to the public The Information Security System Synthesis Using the Graphs Theory

TitleThe Information Security System Synthesis Using the Graphs Theory
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsKustov, V. N., Yakovlev, V. V., Stankevich, T. L.
Conference Name2017 XX IEEE International Conference on Soft Computing and Measurements (SCM)
Date Publishedmay
Keywordsaccess delineation, access subjects authentication, access subjects identification, computer storage media protection, enterprise information security, enterprise information security system, expert systems, FSTEC order No31, graph calculation, graph critical path, graph theory, graphs theory, Hardware, hardware complex basis, hardware information security, Human Behavior, Information security, information security system synthesis, information security system synthesis based on graph theory, information security threats, optimal enterprise information protection system, optimality problem solution, optimality problem solution on the graph theory basis, protection vector isolation, pubcrawl, ranked descending graph construction, resilience, Resiliency, Russian Federation leISSlation, Scalability, security, security of data, Software, software complex basis, software information security, software restriction, Tools
AbstractTimely prevention information security threats, provided by specialized software and hardware, is the effective business foundation, allowing to reduce reputational and financial risks for the company. At the same time, protection must be implemented in all detractors' possible attacks areas. If we turn to the Russian Federation leISSlation, then the FSTEC order No31 of March 14, 2014 may be adopted as the basis for ``isolating'' the protection vectors, according to which the basic measures for protection should be provided at the following levels: access subjects identification and authentication, access delineation, software restriction, computer storage media protection, etc. (There are 21 of them). On the hardware and software complex basis that implement protection at each of these levels, an enterprise information security system is created. To select the most appropriate software and hardware information security, and, therefore, to build an optimal enterprise information protection system, one can turn to graph theory. In this case, the problem is reduced to the ranked descending graph construction and the optimality problem solution, i.e. critical (maximal) path of this graph calculation. Each graph level corresponds to a specific subsystem of the information security system, while the subsystems are located in the alleged overcoming order protection by the attacker; tops - the considered information security tools; the graph is weighted, the each its arcs weight corresponds to the expert evaluation of the preference for using a particular tool.
Citation Keykustov_information_2017