Visible to the public Program-flow attestation of IoT systems software

TitleProgram-flow attestation of IoT systems software
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsAhmed, N., Talib, M. A., Nasir, Q.
Conference Name2018 15th Learning and Technology Conference (L T)
Date Publishedfeb
Keywordsapplication program flow, attestation, composability, data integrity, device integrity measurement, distributed processing, Dual Attestation, dynamic, dynamic attestation technique, Hardware, hardware devices, Human Behavior, impractical constraints, Internet of Things, IoT, IoT systems software, Malware, Memory management, Program-Flow, program-flow attestation, Programming, pubcrawl, remote attestation, remote software-based attestation mechanisms, Resiliency, Runtime, security, security of data, software modification, static, static attestation phase, TrustZone
AbstractRemote attestation is the process of measuring the integrity of a device over the network, by detecting modification of software or hardware from the original configuration. Several remote software-based attestation mechanisms have been introduced, that rely on strict time constraints and other impractical constraints that make them inconvenient for IoT systems. Although some research is done to address these issues, they integrated trusted hardware devices to the attested devices to accomplish their aim, which is costly and not convenient for many use cases. In this paper, we propose "Dual Attestation" that includes two stages: static and dynamic. The static attestation phase checks the memory of the attested device. The dynamic attestation technique checks the execution correctness of the application code and can detect the runtime attacks. The objectives are to minimize the overhead and detect these attacks, by developing an optimized dynamic technique that checks the application program flow. The optimization will be done in the prover and the verifier sides.
Citation Keyahmed_program-flow_2018