Visible to the public Communication Technologies for Efficient Energy Management in Smart Grid

TitleCommunication Technologies for Efficient Energy Management in Smart Grid
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsKuyumani, M., Joseph, M. K., Hassan, S.
Conference Name2018 International Conference on Advances in Big Data, Computing and Data Communication Systems (icABCD)
ISBN Number 978-1-5386-3060-0
Keywordsadditive white gaussian noise channel, AWGN channel, AWGN channels, communication network domain, communication technologies, composability, consumer-side energy management, demand-side energy management, dispersed power storage, efficient energy management, efficient processing, efficient smart grid, electrical energy theft, electrical power delivery, energy management systems, existing technology, Human Behavior, human factors, increasing security concerns, information and communication technologies, information and communication technology, Intelligent sensors, MATLAB, Monitoring, power monitoring, power system domain, power system modernization, process analysis, Protocols, pubcrawl, radial topology, renewable energy, Resiliency, Smart grid, Smart Grid Sensors, Smart grids, smart power grids, smart senor network, smart sensor networks, system failure, wide area networks, Wireless sensor networks

The existing radial topology makes the power system less reliable since any part in the system failure will disrupt electrical power delivery in the network. The increasing security concerns, electrical energy theft, and present advancement in Information and Communication Technologies are some factors that led to modernization of power system. In a smart grid, a network of smart sensors offers numerous opportunities that may include monitoring of power, consumer-side energy management, synchronization of dispersed power storage, and integrating sources of renewable energy. Smart sensor networks are low cost and are ease to deploy hence they are favorable contestants for deployment smart power grids at a larger scale. These networks will result in a colossal volume of dissimilar range of data that require an efficient processing and analyzing process in order to realize an efficient smart grid. The existing technology can be used to collect data but dealing with the collected information proficiently as well as mining valuable material out of it remains challenging. The paper investigates communication technologies that maybe deployed in a smart grid. In this paper simulations results for the Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel are illustrated. We propose a model and a communication network domain riding on the power system domain. The model was interrogated by simulation in MATLAB.

Citation Keykuyumani_communication_2018