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TitleSimulation Integration Platforms for Cyber-physical Systems
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsHimanshu Neema, Janos Sztipanovits, Cornelius Steinbrink, Thomas Raub, Bastian Cornelsen, Sebastian Lehnhoff
Conference NameWorkshop on Design Automation for Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things
Conference LocationMontreal, Quebec, Canada
ISBN Number978-1-4503-6699-1
Accession Number4/15/19
KeywordsCo-Simulation, Cyber-physical systems, distributed simulation, execution-integration, model-integration, Modeling and Simulation, simulation integration platforms, tool-integration

Simulation-based analysis is essential in the model-based design process of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). Since heterogeneity is inherent to CPS, virtual prototyping of CPS designs and the simulation of their behavior in various environments typically involve a number of physical and computation/communication domains interacting with each other. Affordability of the model-based design process makes the use of existing domain-specific modeling and simulation tools all but mandatory. However, this pressure establishes the requirement for integrating the domain-specific models and simulators into a semantically consistent and efficient system-of-system simulation. The focus of the paper is the interoperability of popular integration platforms supporting heterogeneous multi-model simulations. We examine the relationship among three existing platforms: the High-Level Architecture (HLA)-based CPS Wind Tunnel (CPSWT), MOSAIK, and the Functional Mockup Unit (FMU). We discuss approaches to establish interoperability and present results of ongoing work in the context of an example.

Citation KeyNeema:2019:SIP:3313151.3313169