Visible to the public CapeVM: A Safe and Fast Virtual Machine for Resource-Constrained Internet-of-Things Devices

TitleCapeVM: A Safe and Fast Virtual Machine for Resource-Constrained Internet-of-Things Devices
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsReijers, Niels, Shih, Chi-Sheng
Conference NameProceedings of the 16th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-5952-8
Keywordsahead-of-time compilers, Collaboration, fault isolation, Human Behavior, human factors, Metrics, Performance, policy-based governance, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Safe Coding, Safety, sandbox, sensor nodes, virtual machines

This paper presents CapeVM, a sensor node virtual machine aimed at delivering both high performance and a sandboxed execution environment that ensures malicious code cannot corrupt the VM's internal state or perform actions not allowed by the VM. CapeVM uses Ahead-of-Time compilation and introduces a range of optimisations to eliminate most of the overhead present in previous work on sensor node AOT compilers. A sandboxed execution environment is guaranteed by a set of checks. The structured nature of the VM's instruction set allows the VM to perform most checks at load time, reducing the need for expensive run-time checks compared to native code approaches. While some overhead from using a VM and adding sandbox checks cannot be avoided, CapeVM's optimisations reduce this overhead dramatically. We evaluate CapeVM using a set of IoT applications and show this results in a performance just 2.1x slower than unsandboxed native code. Thus, CapeVM combines the desirable properties ofexisting work on both sandboxed execution and virtual machines for sensor nodes, with significantly improved performance.

Citation Keyreijers_capevm:_2018