Visible to the public Secure Distributed Computing on Untrusted Fog Infrastructures Using Trusted Linux Containers

TitleSecure Distributed Computing on Untrusted Fog Infrastructures Using Trusted Linux Containers
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsBazm, Mohammad-Mahdi, Lacoste, Marc, Südholt, Mario, Menaud, Jean-Marc
Conference Name2018 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom)
Keywordscloud computing, Computational modeling, Containers, distributed computing, Docker, edge computing, Fog Computing and Security, Fog computing security, fog infrastructure heterogeneity, Hardware, Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX), Intels Software Guard Extensions technology, Linux, Linux containers, OpenSGX platform, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Scalability, Secure computing, secure distributed computing, security, security of data, Software, Trusted Computing, trusted Linux containers, untrusted fog infrastructures, untrusted operating systems
AbstractFog and Edge computing provide a large pool of resources at the edge of the network that may be used for distributed computing. Fog infrastructure heterogeneity also results in complex configuration of distributed applications on computing nodes. Linux containers are a mainstream technique allowing to run packaged applications and micro services. However, running applications on remote hosts owned by third parties is challenging because of untrusted operating systems and hardware maintained by third parties. To meet such challenges, we may leverage trusted execution mechanisms. In this work, we propose a model for distributed computing on Fog infrastructures using Linux containers secured by Intel's Software Guard Extensions (SGX) technology. We implement our model on a Docker and OpenSGX platform. The result is a secure and flexible approach for distributed computing on Fog infrastructures.
Citation Keybazm_secure_2018