The recent trend of military is to combined Internet of Things (IoT) knowledge to their field for enhancing the impact in battlefield. That's why Internet of battlefield (IoBT) is our concern. This paper discusses how Fog Radio Access Network(F-RAN) can provide support for local computing in Industrial IoT and IoBT. F-RAN can play a vital role because of IoT devices are becoming popular and the fifth generation (5G) communication is also an emerging issue with ultra-low latency, energy consumption, bandwidth efficiency and wide range of coverage area. To overcome the disadvantages of cloud radio access networks (C-RAN) F-RAN can be introduced where a large number of F-RAN nodes can take part in joint distributed computing and content sharing scheme. The F-RAN in IoBT is effective for enhancing the computing ability with fog computing and edge computing at the network edge. Since the computing capability of the fog equipment are weak, to overcome the difficulties of fog computing in IoBT this paper illustrates some challenging issues and solutions to improve battlefield efficiency. Therefore, the distributed computing load balancing problem of the F-RAN is researched. The simulation result indicates that the load balancing strategy has better performance for F-RAN architecture in the battlefield.
A common tool to defend against Sybil attacks is proof-of-work, whereby computational puzzles are used to limit the number of Sybil participants. Unfortunately, current Sybil defenses require significant computational effort to offset an attack. In particular, good participants must spend computationally at a rate that is proportional to the spending rate of an attacker. In this paper, we present the first Sybil defense algorithm which is asymmetric in the sense that good participants spend at a rate that is asymptotically less than an attacker. In particular, if T is the rate of the attacker's spending, and J is the rate of joining good participants, then our algorithm spends at a rate f O($\surd$(TJ) + J). We provide empirical evidence that our algorithm can be significantly more efficient than previous defenses under various attack scenarios. Additionally, we prove a lower bound showing that our algorithm's spending rate is asymptotically optimal among a large family of algorithms.
The problem of Byzantine Agreement (BA) is of interest to both distributed computing and cryptography community. Following well-known results from the distributed computing literature, BA problem in the asynchronous network setting encounters inevitable non-termination issues. The impasse is overcome via randomization that allows construction of BA protocols in two flavours of termination guarantee - with overwhelming probability and with probability one. The latter type termed as almost-surely terminating BAs are the focus of this paper. An eluding problem in the domain of almost-surely terminating BAs is achieving a constant expected running time. Our work makes progress in this direction. In a setting with n parties and an adversary with unbounded computing power controlling at most t parties in Byzantine fashion, we present two asynchronous almost-surely terminating BA protocols: With the optimal resilience of t \textbackslashtextless n3 , our first protocol runs for expected O(n) time. The existing protocols in the same setting either runs for expected O(n2) time (Abraham et al, PODC 2008) or requires exponential computing power from the honest parties (Wang, CoRR 2015). In terms of communication complexity, our construction outperforms all the known constructions that offer almost-surely terminating feature. With the resilience of t \textbackslashtextless n/3+ε for any ε \textbackslashtextgreater 0, our second protocol runs for expected O( 1 ε ) time. The expected running time of our protocol turns constant when ε is a constant fraction. The known constructions with constant expected running time either require ε to be at least 1 (Feldman-Micali, STOC 1988), implying t \textbackslashtextless n/4, or calls for exponential computing power from the honest parties (Wang, CoRR 2015). We follow the traditional route of building BA via common coin protocol that in turn reduces to asynchronous verifiable secretsharing (AVSS). Our constructions are built on a variant of AVSS that is termed as shunning. A shunning AVSS fails to offer the properties of AVSS when the corrupt parties strike, but allows the honest parties to locally detect and shun a set of corrupt parties for any future communication. Our shunning AVSS with t \textbackslashtextless n/3 and t \textbackslashtextless n 3+ε guarantee Ω(n) and respectively Ω(εt 2) conflicts to be revealed when failure occurs. Turning this shunning AVSS to a common coin protocol constitutes another contribution of our paper.
Observing semantic dependencies in large and heterogeneous networks is a critical task, since it is quite difficult to find the actual source of a malfunction in the case of an error. Dependencies might exist between many network nodes and among multiple hops in paths. If those dependency structures are unknown, debugging errors gets quite difficult. Since CPS and other large networks change at runtime and consists of custom software and hardware, as well as components off-the-shelf, it is necessary to be able to not only include own components in approaches to detect dependencies between nodes. In this paper we present an extension to the Information Flow Monitor approach. Our goal is that this approach should be able to handle unalterable blackbox nodes. This is quite challenging, since the IFM originally requires each network node to be compliant with the IFM protocol.