Visible to the public Secure Staging System for Highly Confidential Data Built on Reconfigurable Computing Platform

TitleSecure Staging System for Highly Confidential Data Built on Reconfigurable Computing Platform
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsYoshikawa, Takashi, Date, Susumu, Watashiba, Yasuhiro, Matsui, Yuki, Nozaki, Kazunori, Murakami, Shinya, Lee, Chonho, Hida, Masami, Shimojo, Shinji
Conference Name2019 IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) and IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC)
Date Publishedaug
Keywordscloud computing, common vulnerability scoring system evaluation, computer center, computer network security, computer security, container, Containers, Data analysis, Dentistry, dynamic reconfigurability, Dynamic scheduling, Ethernet, field trial system, High performance computing, high performance data analytics, highly confidential data, hospitals, human factors, lower-than-IP-layer partitioning mechanisms, Metrics, OpenFlow, PCI Express, Provisioning Partitioning, pubcrawl, Reconfigurability, reconfigurable architectures, reconfigurable computing platform, Resiliency, resource allocation, Scalability, secure data, secure staging system, security of data, Security Scheduling, Software, software defined, Ubiquitous Computing Security
AbstractCloud use for High Performance Computing (HPC) and High Performance Data Analytics (HPDA) is increasing. The data are transferred to the cloud and usually left there even after the data being processed. There is security concern for such data being left online. We propose secure staging system to prepare not only data but also computing platform for processing the data dynamically just while the data is processed. The data plane of the secure staging system has dynamic reconfigurability with several lower-than-IP-layer partitioning mechanisms. The control plane consists of a scheduler and a resource provisioner working together to reconfigure the partitioning in the data plane dynamically. A field trial system is deployed for treating secure data in dental school to be processed in the computer center with the location distance of 1km. The system shows high score in the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) evaluation.
Citation Keyyoshikawa_secure_2019