Visible to the public An Access Authentication Algorithm Based on a Hierarchical Identity-Based Signature over Lattice for the Space-Ground Integrated Network

TitleAn Access Authentication Algorithm Based on a Hierarchical Identity-Based Signature over Lattice for the Space-Ground Integrated Network
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsYi, Zhuo, Du, Xuehui, Liao, Ying, Lu, Xin
Conference Name2019 International Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies and Networking (CommNet)
ISBN Number978-1-5386-8317-0
Keywordsaccess authentication, access authentication algorithm, adaptive selection messages, authentication, authentication delay, bidirectional authentication, composability, compositionality, Computer architecture, cryptographic protocols, cryptography, digital signatures, Generators, hierarchical access authentication architecture, hierarchical identity-based cryptography, hierarchical identity-based signature, L-HIBS scheme, lattice based mobile access authentication mechanism, lattice-based cryptography, Lattices, mobile access authentication protocol, mobile radio, mobile users, multi-access systems, private key cryptography, Protocols, pubcrawl, SGIN, shared session key exchange, signature based defense, SIS problem, small integer solution, space communication links, space-ground integrated network, standard security model, telecommunication security, theoretical cryptography

Access authentication is a key technology to identify the legitimacy of mobile users when accessing the space-ground integrated networks (SGIN). A hierarchical identity-based signature over lattice (L-HIBS) based mobile access authentication mechanism is proposed to settle the insufficiencies of existing access authentication methods in SGIN such as high computational complexity, large authentication delay and no-resistance to quantum attack. Firstly, the idea of hierarchical identity-based cryptography is introduced according to hierarchical distribution of nodes in SGIN, and a hierarchical access authentication architecture is built. Secondly, a new L-HIBS scheme is constructed based on the Small Integer Solution (SIS) problem to support the hierarchical identity-based cryptography. Thirdly, a mobile access authentication protocol that supports bidirectional authentication and shared session key exchange is designed with the aforementioned L-HIBS scheme. Results of theoretical analysis and simulation experiments suggest that the L-HIBS scheme possesses strong unforgeability of selecting identity and adaptive selection messages under the standard security model, and the authentication protocol has smaller computational overhead and shorter private keys and shorter signature compared to given baseline protocols.

Citation Keyyi_access_2019