Visible to the public An Innovative Model (HS) to Enhance the Security in Windows Operating System - A Case Study

TitleAn Innovative Model (HS) to Enhance the Security in Windows Operating System - A Case Study
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsNair, Harsha, Sridaran, R.
Conference Name2019 6th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom)
ISBN Number978-9-3805-4434-2
Keywordsattacks, authorisation, composability, data integrity, data protection, Data security, dictionary attacks, force attacks, HS model, login credentials, message authentication, Metrics, Microsoft Windows (operating systems), NT LAN manager, NTLM, password, privacy, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, SAM file protection, SAM security account manager, Windows, Windows operating system, Windows Operating System Security, Windows Registry

Confidentiality, authentication, privacy and integrity are the pillars of securing data. The most generic way of providing security is setting up passwords and usernames collectively known as login credentials. Operating systems use different techniques to ensure security of login credentials yet brute force attacks and dictionary attacks along with various other types which leads to success in passing or cracking passwords.The objective of proposed HS model is to enhance the protection of SAM file used by Windows Registry so that the system is preserved from intruders.

Citation Keynair_innovative_2019