Visible to the public Codes for Covert Communication over Additive White Gaussian Noise Channels

TitleCodes for Covert Communication over Additive White Gaussian Noise Channels
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsKadampot, Ishaque Ashar, Tahmasbi, Mehrdad, Bloch, Matthieu R
Conference Name2019 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT)
Date PublishedJuly 2019
ISBN Number978-1-5386-9291-2
Keywordsadditive white Gaussian noise channels, Amplitude shift keying, AWGN channels, Binary phase shift keying, binary phase-shift keying, channel capacity, channel coding, coding scheme, composability, compositionality, covert capacity, covert channels, covert communication, discrete memoryless channels, encoding, error correction codes, low-complexity error-control codes, modified pulse-position modulation scheme, Monte Carlo methods, multilevel coding, Phase shift keying, pubcrawl, pulse position modulation, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, Throughput, Xenon

We propose a coding scheme for covert communication over additive white Gaussian noise channels, which extends a previous construction for discrete memoryless channels. We first show how sparse signaling with On-Off keying fails to achieve the covert capacity but that a modification allowing the use of binary phase-shift keying for "on" symbols recovers the loss. We then construct a modified pulse-position modulation scheme that, combined with multilevel coding, can achieve the covert capacity with low-complexity error-control codes. The main contribution of this work is to reconcile the tension between diffuse and sparse signaling suggested by earlier information-theoretic results.

Citation Keykadampot_codes_2019