Visible to the public Situation Aware Intrusion Detection System Design for Industrial IoT Gateways

TitleSituation Aware Intrusion Detection System Design for Industrial IoT Gateways
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsKirupakar, J., Shalinie, S. Mercy
Conference Name2019 International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Data Science (ICCIDS)
Date PublishedFeb. 2019
ISBN Number978-1-5386-9471-8
Keywordscloud computing, composability, compositionality, Computational Intelligence, Computer architecture, computer network security, constrained IIoT gateways, consumer IoT segment, cryptography, cyber security threat, cyber-attacks, data protection, edge node, enterprise attackers, Human Behavior, human factors, IIoT world, industrial IoT domain, Industrial IoT Gateway, industrial IoT gateways, Internet of Things, internetworking, IoT platform providers, IoT security, Logic gates, Metrics, Peer-to-peer computing, production engineering computing, Protocols, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, resilient services, security, security attacks, security measures, security services, Sensors, situation aware intrusion detection system design, standard IIoT gateways, system services

In today's IIoT world, most of the IoT platform providers like Microsoft, Amazon and Google are focused towards connecting devices and extract data from the devices and send the data to the Cloud for analytics. Only there are few companies concentrating on Security measures implemented on Edge Node. Gartner estimates that by 2020, more than 25 percent of all enterprise attackers will make use of the Industrial IoT. As Cyber Security Threat is getting more important, it is essential to ensure protection of data both at rest and at motion. The reflex of Cyber Security in the Industrial IoT Domain is much more severe when compared to the Consumer IoT Segment. The new bottleneck in this are security services which employ computationally intensive software operations and system services [1]. Resilient services consume considerable resources in a design. When such measures are added to thwart security attacks, the resource requirements grow even more demanding. Since the standard IIoT Gateways and other sub devices are resource constrained in nature the conventional design for security services will not be applicable in this case. This paper proposes an intelligent architectural paradigm for the Constrained IIoT Gateways that can efficiently identify the Cyber-Attacks in the Industrial IoT domain.

Citation Keykirupakar_situation_2019