Visible to the public Hybrid Encryption Algorithm Based on Wireless Sensor Networks

TitleHybrid Encryption Algorithm Based on Wireless Sensor Networks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsYue, Tongxu, Wang, Chuang, Zhu, Zhi-xiang
Conference Name2019 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA)
Keywordsadvanced encryption standard, AES, Asymmetric Encryption, asymmetric/symmetric encryption algorithm, cipher block, compositionality, data compression, data compression technology, ECC, elliptic curve encryption, encryption standard, Human Behavior, hybrid encryption algorithm, Metrics, private key cryptography, pubcrawl, public key cryptography, Resiliency, Wireless sensor networks, wireless sensor networks(WSNs)
AbstractBased on the analysis of existing wireless sensor networks(WSNs) security vulnerability, combining the characteristics of high encryption efficiency of the symmetric encryption algorithm and high encryption intensity of asymmetric encryption algorithm, a hybrid encryption algorithm based on wireless sensor networks is proposed. Firstly, by grouping plaintext messages, this algorithm uses advanced encryption standard (AES) of symmetric encryption algorithm and elliptic curve encryption (ECC) of asymmetric encryption algorithm to encrypt plaintext blocks, then uses data compression technology to get cipher blocks, and finally connects MAC address and AES key encrypted by ECC to form a complete ciphertext message. Through the description and implementation of the algorithm, the results show that the algorithm can reduce the encryption time, decryption time and total running time complexity without losing security.
Citation Keyyue_hybrid_2019