Visible to the public On the Investigation of Essential Diversities for Deep Learning Testing Criteria

TitleOn the Investigation of Essential Diversities for Deep Learning Testing Criteria
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsZhang, Z., Xie, X.
Conference Name2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS)
Date Publishedjul
KeywordsDeep Learning, deep learning models, deep learning systems, Deep Learning testing, deep learning testing criteria, defined metrics, erroneous behaviors, essential diversities, essential metrics, fault detection, fault detection ability, fault diagnosis, image retrieval, learning (artificial intelligence), Measurement, metamorphic testing, Metrics, metrics testing, neuron activities, Neurons, program testing, pubcrawl, reliability, system robustness, Task Analysis, test diversities, test suites, Testing, testing criteria

Recent years, more and more testing criteria for deep learning systems has been proposed to ensure system robustness and reliability. These criteria were defined based on different perspectives of diversity. However, there lacks comprehensive investigation on what are the most essential diversities that should be considered by a testing criteria for deep learning systems. Therefore, in this paper, we conduct an empirical study to investigate the relation between test diversities and erroneous behaviors of deep learning models. We define five metrics to reflect diversities in neuron activities, and leverage metamorphic testing to detect erroneous behaviors. We investigate the correlation between metrics and erroneous behaviors. We also go further step to measure the quality of test suites under the guidance of defined metrics. Our results provided comprehensive insights on the essential diversities for testing criteria to exhibit good fault detection ability.

Citation Keyzhang_investigation_2019