Visible to the public Concept Inventories in Cybersecurity Education: An Example from Secure Programming

TitleConcept Inventories in Cybersecurity Education: An Example from Secure Programming
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsNgambeki, I., Nico, P., Dai, J., Bishop, M.
Conference Name2018 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE)
Date PublishedOct. 2018
ISBN Number978-1-5386-1174-6
Keywordscomputer science education, computer security, concept inventory, cyber physical systems, cybersecurity, cybersecurity education, Cybersecurity Education Curriculum 2017 guidelines, Delphi study, Education, Force, privacy, Programming, Programming profession, pubcrawl, secure programming, secure programming concept inventory, security of data, Testing, Tools

This Innovative Practice Work in Progress paper makes the case for using concept inventories in cybersecurity education and presents an example of the development of a concept inventory in the field of secure programming. The secure programming concept inventory is being developed by a team of researchers from four universities. We used a Delphi study to define the content area to be covered by the concept inventory. Participants in the Delphi study included ten experts from academia, government, and industry. Based on the results, we constructed a concept map of secure programming concepts. We then compared this concept map to the Joint Task Force on Cybersecurity Education Curriculum 2017 guidelines to ensure complete coverage of secure programming concepts. Our mapping indicates a substantial match between the concept map and those guidelines.

Citation Keyngambeki_concept_2018