Visible to the public Reinforcement Learning with Budget-Constrained Nonparametric Function Approximation for Opportunistic Spectrum Access

TitleReinforcement Learning with Budget-Constrained Nonparametric Function Approximation for Opportunistic Spectrum Access
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsTsiligkaridis, T., Romero, D.
Conference Name2018 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP)
Date PublishedNov. 2018
ISBN Number978-1-7281-1295-4
KeywordsAcceleration, budget-constrained nonparametric function approximation, budget-constrained sparsification technique, carrier sense multiple access, channel access actions, Cognitive radio, congested bands, coupled congestion control, Dictionaries, function approximation, idle slots, intrinsic state-action space, Kernel, Kernel Method, kernel-based reinforcement learning approach, learning (artificial intelligence), multichannel adversarial radio, opportunistic spectrum access, pubcrawl, Radio frequency, radio spectrum management, Receivers, reinforcement learning, reinforcement learning-based radio, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, single-channel carrier-sense multiple-access, state spaces, telecommunication congestion control

Opportunistic spectrum access is one of the emerging techniques for maximizing throughput in congested bands and is enabled by predicting idle slots in spectrum. We propose a kernel-based reinforcement learning approach coupled with a novel budget-constrained sparsification technique that efficiently captures the environment to find the best channel access actions. This approach allows learning and planning over the intrinsic state-action space and extends well to large state spaces. We apply our methods to evaluate coexistence of a reinforcement learning-based radio with a multi-channel adversarial radio and a single-channel carrier-sense multiple-access with collision avoidance (CSMA-CA) radio. Numerical experiments show the performance gains over carrier-sense systems.

Citation Keytsiligkaridis_reinforcement_2018