Visible to the public Improving Performance of Collaborative Source-Side DDoS Attack Detection

TitleImproving Performance of Collaborative Source-Side DDoS Attack Detection
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsYeom, S., Kim, K.
Conference Name2020 21st Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS)
Date PublishedSept. 2020
ISBN Number978-89-950043-8-8
KeywordsCollaboration, collaborative attack detection technique, collaborative source-side DDoS attack detection method, Collaborative Source-side detection, Communication networks, composability, Computer crime, computer network security, DDoS Attack, DDoS attack detection, denial-of-service attack, detecting performance, detection methods, distributed denial-of-service attacks, false positive rate, Human Behavior, individual attack detection, Metrics, Network security, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, SDN IDPS, security, source-side Denial-of-Service, source-side detection, telecommunication traffic, weighted detection results
AbstractRecently, as the threat of Distributed Denial-of-Service attacks exploiting IoT devices has spread, source-side Denial-of-Service attack detection methods are being studied in order to quickly detect attacks and find their locations. Moreover, to mitigate the limitation of local view of source-side detection, a collaborative attack detection technique is required to share detection results on each source-side network. In this paper, a new collaborative source-side DDoS attack detection method is proposed for detecting DDoS attacks on multiple networks more correctly, by considering the detecting performance on different time zone. The results of individual attack detection on each network are weighted based on detection rate and false positive rate corresponding to the time zone of each network. By gathering the weighted detection results, the proposed method determines whether a DDoS attack happens. Through extensive evaluation with real network traffic data, it is confirmed that the proposed method reduces false positive rate by 35% while maintaining high detection rate.
Citation Keyyeom_improving_2020