Visible to the public Detecting Blockchain Security Threats

TitleDetecting Blockchain Security Threats
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsPutz, B., Pernul, G.
Conference Name2020 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain)
Keywordsblockchain, distributed ledger, Fabrics, Information security, insider threat, Measurement, Monitoring, Organizations, permissioned blockchain, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, security, security monitoring
AbstractIn many organizations, permissioned blockchain networks are currently transitioning from a proof-of-concept stage to production use. A crucial part of this transition is ensuring awareness of potential threats to network operations. Due to the plethora of software components involved in distributed ledgers, threats may be difficult or impossible to detect without a structured monitoring approach. To this end, we conduct a survey of attacks on permissioned blockchains and develop a set of threat indicators. To gather these indicators, a data processing pipeline is proposed to aggregate log information from relevant blockchain components, enriched with data from external sources. To evaluate the feasibility of monitoring current blockchain frameworks, we determine relevant data sources in Hyperledger Fabric. Our results show that the required data is mostly available, but also highlight significant improvement potential with regard to threat intelligence, chaincode scanners and built-in metrics.
Citation Keyputz_detecting_2020