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Putz, B., Pernul, G..  2020.  Detecting Blockchain Security Threats. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain). :313—320.
In many organizations, permissioned blockchain networks are currently transitioning from a proof-of-concept stage to production use. A crucial part of this transition is ensuring awareness of potential threats to network operations. Due to the plethora of software components involved in distributed ledgers, threats may be difficult or impossible to detect without a structured monitoring approach. To this end, we conduct a survey of attacks on permissioned blockchains and develop a set of threat indicators. To gather these indicators, a data processing pipeline is proposed to aggregate log information from relevant blockchain components, enriched with data from external sources. To evaluate the feasibility of monitoring current blockchain frameworks, we determine relevant data sources in Hyperledger Fabric. Our results show that the required data is mostly available, but also highlight significant improvement potential with regard to threat intelligence, chaincode scanners and built-in metrics.
Amin, A. H. M., Abdelmajid, N., Kiwanuka, F. N..  2020.  Identity-of-Things Model using Composite Identity on Permissioned Blockchain Network. 2020 Seventh International Conference on Software Defined Systems (SDS). :171—176.

The growing prevalence of Internet-of-Things (IoT) technology has led to an increase in the development of heterogeneous smart applications. Smart applications may involve a collaborative participation between IoT devices. Participation of IoT devices for specific application requires a tamper-proof identity to be generated and stored, in order to completely represent the device, as well as to eliminate the possibility of identity spoofing and presence of rogue devices in a network. In this paper, we present a composite Identity-of-Things (IDoT) approach on IoT devices with permissioned blockchain implementation for distributed identity management model. Our proposed approach considers both application and device domains in generating the composite identity. In addition, the use of permissioned blockchain for identity storage and verification allows the identity to be immutable. A simulation has been carried out to demonstrate the application of the proposed identity management model.

Gururaj, P..  2020.  Identity management using permissioned blockchain. 2020 International Conference on Mainstreaming Block Chain Implementation (ICOMBI). :1—3.

Authenticating a person's identity has always been a challenge. While attempts are being made by government agencies to address this challenge, the citizens are being exposed to a new age problem of Identity management. The sharing of photocopies of identity cards in order to prove our identity is a common sight. From score-card to Aadhar-card, the details of our identity has reached many unauthorized hands during the years. In India the identity thefts accounts for 77% [1] of the fraud cases, and the threats are trending. Programs like e-Residency by Estonia[2], Bitnation using Ethereum[3] are being devised for an efficient Identity Management. Even the US Home Land Security is funding a research with an objective of “Design information security and privacy concepts on the Blockchain to support identity management capabilities that increase security and productivity while decreasing costs and security risks for the Homeland Security Enterprise (HSE).” [4] This paper will discuss the challenges specific to India around Identity Management, and the possible solution that the Distributed ledger, hashing algorithms and smart contracts can offer. The logic of hashing the personal data, and controlling the distribution of identity using public-private keys with Blockchain technology will be discussed in this paper.

Fan, W., Chang, S.-Y., Emery, S., Zhou, X..  2020.  Blockchain-based Distributed Banking for Permissioned and Accountable Financial Transaction Processing. 2020 29th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN). :1—9.

Distributed banking platforms and services forgo centralized banks to process financial transactions. For example, M-Pesa provides distributed banking service in the developing regions so that the people without a bank account can deposit, withdraw, or transfer money. The current distributed banking systems lack the transparency in monitoring and tracking of distributed banking transactions and thus do not support auditing of distributed banking transactions for accountability. To address this issue, this paper proposes a blockchain-based distributed banking (BDB) scheme, which uses blockchain technology to leverage its built-in properties to record and track immutable transactions. BDB supports distributed financial transaction processing but is significantly different from cryptocurrencies in its design properties, simplicity, and computational efficiency. We implement a prototype of BDB using smart contract and conduct experiments to show BDB's effectiveness and performance. We further compare our prototype with the Ethereum cryptocurrency to highlight the fundamental differences and demonstrate the BDB's superior computational efficiency.

Narang, S., Byali, M., Dayama, P., Pandit, V., Narahari, Y..  2019.  Design of Trusted B2B Market Platforms using Permissioned Blockchains and Game Theory. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC). :385—393.

Trusted collaboration satisfying the requirements of (a) adequate transparency and (b) preservation of privacy of business sensitive information is a key factor to ensure the success and adoption of online business-to-business (B2B) collaboration platforms. Our work proposes novel ways of stringing together game theoretic modeling, blockchain technology, and cryptographic techniques to build such a platform for B2B collaboration involving enterprise buyers and sellers who may be strategic. The B2B platform builds upon three ideas. The first is to use a permissioned blockchain with smart contracts as the technical infrastructure for building the platform. Second, the above smart contracts implement deep business logic which is derived using a rigorous analysis of a repeated game model of the strategic interactions between buyers and sellers to devise strategies to induce honest behavior from buyers and sellers. Third, we present a formal framework that captures the essential requirements for secure and private B2B collaboration, and, in this direction, we develop cryptographic regulation protocols that, in conjunction with the blockchain, help implement such a framework. We believe our work is an important first step in the direction of building a platform that enables B2B collaboration among strategic and competitive agents while maximizing social welfare and addressing the privacy concerns of the agents.

Buenrostro, E. D., Rivera, A. O. G., Tosh, D., Acosta, J. C., Njilla, L..  2019.  Evaluating Usability of Permissioned Blockchain for Internet-of-Battlefield Things Security. MILCOM 2019 - 2019 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). :841—846.

Military technology is ever-evolving to increase the safety and security of soldiers on the field while integrating Internet-of-Things solutions to improve operational efficiency in mission oriented tasks in the battlefield. Centralized communication technology is the traditional network model used for battlefields and is vulnerable to denial of service attacks, therefore suffers performance hazards. They also lead to a central point of failure, due to which, a flexible model that is mobile, resilient, and effective for different scenarios must be proposed. Blockchain offers a distributed platform that allows multiple nodes to update a distributed ledger in a tamper-resistant manner. The decentralized nature of this system suggests that it can be an effective tool for battlefields in securing data communication among Internet-of-Battlefield Things (IoBT). In this paper, we integrate a permissioned blockchain, namely Hyperledger Sawtooth, in IoBT context and evaluate its performance with the goal of determining whether it has the potential to serve the performance needs of IoBT environment. Using different testing parameters, the metric data would help in suggesting the best parameter set, network configuration and blockchain usability views in IoBT context. We show that a blockchain-integrated IoBT platform has heavy dependency on the characteristics of the underlying network such as topology, link bandwidth, jitter, and other communication configurations, that can be tuned up to achieve optimal performance.

Choudhury, O., Sylla, I., Fairoza, N., Das, A..  2019.  A Blockchain Framework for Ensuring Data Quality in Multi-Organizational Clinical Trials. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI). :1–9.
The cost and complexity of conducting multi-site clinical trials have significantly increased over time, with site monitoring, data management, and Institutional Review Board (IRB) amendments being key drivers. Trial sponsors, such as pharmaceutical companies, are also increasingly outsourcing trial management to multiple organizations. Enforcing compliance with standard operating procedures, such as preserving data privacy for human subject protection, is crucial for upholding the integrity of a study and its findings. Current efforts to ensure quality of data collected at multiple sites and by multiple organizations lack a secure, trusted, and efficient framework for fragmented data capture. To address this challenge, we propose a novel data management infrastructure based on a permissioned blockchain with private channels, smart contracts, and distributed ledgers. We use an example multi-organizational clinical trial to design and implement a blockchain network: generate activity-specific private channels to segregate data flow for confidentiality, write channel-specific smart contracts to enforce regulatory guidelines, monitor the immutable transaction log to detect protocol breach, and auto-generate audit trail. Through comprehensive experimental study, we demonstrate that our system handles high-throughput transactions, exhibits low-latency, and constitutes a trusted, scalable solution.
Mitani, Tatsuo, OTSUKA, Akira.  2019.  Traceability in Permissioned Blockchain. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain). :286–293.
In this paper, we propose the traceability of assets in a permissioned blockchain connected with a permissionless blockchain. We make traceability of assets in the permissioned blockchain be defined and be expressed as a hidden Markov model. There exists no dishonest increase and decrease of assets in this model. The condition is called balance. As we encrypt this model with fully homomorphic encryption and apply the zero knowledge proof of plaintext knowledge, we show that the trace-ability and balance of the permissioned blockchain are able to be proved in zero knowledge to the permissionless blockchain with concealing the asset allocation of the permissioned blockchain.
Davenport, Amanda, Shetty, Sachin.  2019.  Modeling Threat of Leaking Private Keys from Air-Gapped Blockchain Wallets. 2019 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2). :9—13.

In this paper we consider the threat surface and security of air gapped wallet schemes for permissioned blockchains as preparation for a Markov based mathematical model, and quantify the risk associated with private key leakage. We identify existing threats to the wallet scheme and existing work done to both attack and secure the scheme. We provide an overview the proposed model and outline justification for our methods. We follow with next steps in our remaining work and the overarching goals and motivation for our methods.

Davenport, Amanda, Shetty, Sachin.  2019.  Air Gapped Wallet Schemes and Private Key Leakage in Permissioned Blockchain Platforms. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain). :541—545.

In this paper we consider the threat surface and security of air gapped wallet schemes for permissioned blockchains as preparation for a Markov based mathematical model, and quantify the risk associated with private key leakage. We identify existing threats to the wallet scheme and existing work done to both attack and secure the scheme. We provide an overview the proposed model and outline justification for our methods. We follow with next steps in our remaining work and the overarching goals and motivation for our methods.

Brotsis, Sotirios, Kolokotronis, Nicholas, Limniotis, Konstantinos, Shiaeles, Stavros, Kavallieros, Dimitris, Bellini, Emanuele, Pavué, Clément.  2019.  Blockchain Solutions for Forensic Evidence Preservation in IoT Environments. 2019 IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft). :110–114.
The technological evolution brought by the Internet of things (IoT) comes with new forms of cyber-attacks exploiting the complexity and heterogeneity of IoT networks, as well as, the existence of many vulnerabilities in IoT devices. The detection of compromised devices, as well as the collection and preservation of evidence regarding alleged malicious behavior in IoT networks, emerge as areas of high priority. This paper presents a blockchain-based solution, which is designed for the smart home domain, dealing with the collection and preservation of digital forensic evidence. The system utilizes a private forensic evidence database, where the captured evidence is stored, along with a permissioned blockchain that allows providing security services like integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation, so that the evidence can be used in a court of law. The blockchain stores evidences' metadata, which are critical for providing the aforementioned services, and interacts via smart contracts with the different entities involved in an investigation process, including Internet service providers, law enforcement agencies and prosecutors. A high-level architecture of the blockchain-based solution is presented that allows tackling the unique challenges posed by the need for digitally handling forensic evidence collected from IoT networks.
Cebe, Mumin, Kaplan, Berkay, Akkaya, Kemal.  2018.  A Network Coding Based Information Spreading Approach for Permissioned Blockchain in IoT Settings. Proceedings of the 15th EAI International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services. :470-475.

Permissioned Blockchain (PBC) has become a prevalent data structure to ensure that the records are immutable and secure. However, PBC still has significant challenges before it can be realized in different applications. One of such challenges is the overhead of the communication which is required to execute the Byzantine Agreement (BA) protocol that is needed for consensus building. As such, it may not be feasible to implement PBC for resource constrained environments such as Internet-of-Things (IoT). In this paper, we assess the communication overhead of running BA in an IoT environment that consists of wireless nodes (e.g., Raspberry PIs) with meshing capabilities. As the the packet loss ratio is significant and makes BA unfeasible to scale, we propose a network coding based approach that will reduce the packet overhead and minimize the consensus completion time of the BA. Specifically, various network coding approaches are designed as a replacement to TCP protocol which relies on unicasting and acknowledgements. The evaluation on a network of Raspberry PIs demonstrates that our approach can significantly improve scalability making BA feasible for medium size IoT networks.

Ioini, N. E., Pahl, C..  2018.  Trustworthy Orchestration of Container Based Edge Computing Using Permissioned Blockchain. 2018 Fifth International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management and Security. :147-154.

The need to process the verity, volume and velocity of data generated by today's Internet of Things (IoT) devices has pushed both academia and the industry to investigate new architectural alternatives to support the new challenges. As a result, Edge Computing (EC) has emerged to address these issues, by placing part of the cloud resources (e.g., computation, storage, logic) closer to the edge of the network, which allows faster and context dependent data analysis and storage. However, as EC infrastructures grow, different providers who do not necessarily trust each other need to collaborate in order serve different IoT devices. In this context, EC infrastructures, IoT devices and the data transiting the network all need to be subject to identity and provenance checks, in order to increase trust and accountability. Each device/data in the network needs to be identified and the provenance of its actions needs to be tracked. In this paper, we propose a blockchain container based architecture that implements the W3C-PROV Data Model, to track identities and provenance of all orchestration decisions of a business network. This architecture provides new forms of interaction between the different stakeholders, which supports trustworthy transactions and leads to a new decentralized interaction model for IoT based applications.

Cebe, Mumin, Kaplan, Berkay, Akkaya, Kemal.  2018.  A Network Coding Based Information Spreading Approach for Permissioned Blockchain in IoT Settings. Proceedings of the 15th EAI International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services. :470–475.
Permissioned Blockchain (PBC) has become a prevalent data structure to ensure that the records are immutable and secure. However, PBC still has significant challenges before it can be realized in different applications. One of such challenges is the overhead of the communication which is required to execute the Byzantine Agreement (BA) protocol that is needed for consensus building. As such, it may not be feasible to implement PBC for resource constrained environments such as Internet-of-Things (IoT). In this paper, we assess the communication overhead of running BA in an IoT environment that consists of wireless nodes (e.g., Raspberry PIs) with meshing capabilities. As the the packet loss ratio is significant and makes BA unfeasible to scale, we propose a network coding based approach that will reduce the packet overhead and minimize the consensus completion time of the BA. Specifically, various network coding approaches are designed as a replacement to TCP protocol which relies on unicasting and acknowledgements. The evaluation on a network of Raspberry PIs demonstrates that our approach can significantly improve scalability making BA feasible for medium size IoT networks.
Kravitz, D. W., Cooper, J..  2017.  Securing user identity and transactions symbiotically: IoT meets blockchain. 2017 Global Internet of Things Summit (GIoTS). :1–6.
Swarms of embedded devices provide new challenges for privacy and security. We propose Permissioned Blockchains as an effective way to secure and manage these systems of systems. A long view of blockchain technology yields several requirements absent in extant blockchain implementations. Our approach to Permissioned Blockchains meets the fundamental requirements for longevity, agility, and incremental adoption. Distributed Identity Management is an inherent feature of our Permissioned Blockchain and provides for resilient user and device identity and attribute management.