Visible to the public Optimal Feature Selection for Non-Network Malware Classification

TitleOptimal Feature Selection for Non-Network Malware Classification
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsManiArasuSekar, KannanMani S., Swaminathan, Paveethran, Murali, Ritwik, Ratan, Govind K., Siva, Surya V.
Conference Name2020 International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT)
Date PublishedFeb. 2020
ISBN Number978-1-7281-4685-0
KeywordsAutomated Secure Software Engineering, classification, composability, Feature, feature selection, Malware, malware analysis, malware classification, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency
AbstractIn this digital age, almost every system and service has moved from a localized to a digital environment. Consequently the number of attacks targeting both personal as well as commercial digital devices has also increased exponentially. In most cases specific malware attacks have caused widespread damage and emotional anguish. Though there are automated techniques to analyse and thwart such attacks, they are still far from perfect. This paper identifies optimal features, which improves the accuracy and efficiency of the classification process, required for malware classification in an attempt to assist automated anti-malware systems identify and block malware families in an attempt to secure the end user and reduce the damage caused by these malicious software.
Citation Keymaniarasusekar_optimal_2020