Visible to the public PRIPRO:Solution for user profile control and management based on data privacy

TitlePRIPRO:Solution for user profile control and management based on data privacy
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsCesconetto, Jonas, Silva, Luís A., Valderi Leithardt, R. Q., Cáceres, María N., Silva, Luís A., Garcia, Nuno M.
Conference Name2020 15th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI)
Date PublishedJune 2020
ISBN Number978-989-54659-0-3
KeywordsAndroids, cloud, Hardware, Humanoid robots, Information systems, Internet, Metrics, privacy, Privacy Profile, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, smart phones, Taxonomy, Ubiquitous Systems, user privacy, user privacy in the cloud
AbstractIntelligent environments work collaboratively, bringing more comfort to human beings. The intelligence of these environments comes from technological advances in sensors and communication. IoT is the model developed that allows a wide and intelligent communication between devices. Hardware reduction of IoT devices results in vulnerabilities. Thus, there are numerous concerns regarding the security of user information, since mobile devices are easily trackable over the Internet. Care must be taken regarding the information in user profiles. Mobile devices are protected by a permission-based mechanism, which limits third-party applications from accessing sensitive device resources. In this context, this work aims to present a proposal for materialization of application for the evolution of user profiles in intelligent environments. Having as parameters the parameters presented in the proposed taxonomy. The proposed solution is the development of two applications, one for Android devices, responsible for allowing or blocking some features of the device. And another in Cloud, responsible for imposing the parameters and privacy criteria, formalizing the profile control module (PRIPRO - PRIvacy PROfiles).
Citation Keycesconetto_priprosolution_2020