Visible to the public A Network Time Security Based Automatic Key Management for PTPv2.1

TitleA Network Time Security Based Automatic Key Management for PTPv2.1
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsLanger, Martin, Heine, Kai, Sibold, Dieter, Bermbach, Rainer
Conference Name2020 IEEE 45th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN)
Date Publishednov
Keywordsauthentication, Clocks, Human Behavior, IEEE 1588, Key Management, Manuals, Metrics, Monitoring, NTS, Proposals, Protocols, PTPv2.1, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Scalability, security
AbstractThe PTPv2.1 standard provides new protection mechanisms to ensure the authenticity and integrity of PTP messages. However, the distribution of the necessary security parameters is not part of the specification. This paper proposes a simple and practical approach for the automated distribution of these parameters by using a key management system that enables the Immediate Security Processing in PTP. It is based on the Network Time Security protocol and offers functions for group management, parameter updating and monitoring mechanisms. A Proof-of-Concept implementation provides initial results of the resources required for the key management system and its use.
Citation Keylanger_network_2020