Visible to the public Blockchain Based DDoS Mitigation Using Machine Learning Techniques

TitleBlockchain Based DDoS Mitigation Using Machine Learning Techniques
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsManikumar, D.V.V.S., Maheswari, B Uma
Conference Name2020 Second International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA)
Date PublishedJuly 2020
ISBN Number978-1-7281-5374-2
Keywordsblockchain, composability, Computer crime, DDoS (Distributed Daniel of Service), DDoS attack mitigation, DDOS attacks detection, Decision Tree, feature extraction, Human Behavior, IP networks, KNN (K-Nearest Neighbors) Algorithm, machine learning, machine learning (ML), Metrics, Peer-to-peer computing, pubcrawl, Random Forest, resilience, Resiliency, Servers
AbstractDDoS attacks are the most commonly performed cyber-attacks with a motive to suspend the target services and making them unavailable to users. A recent attack on Github, explains that the traffic was traced back to ``over a thousand different autonomous systems across millions of unique endpoints''. Generally, there are various types of DDoS attacks and each attack uses a different protocol and attacker uses a botnet to execute such attacks. Hence, it will be very difficult for organizations to deal with these attacks and going for third parties to secure themselves from DDoS attacks. In order to eliminate the third parties. Our proposed system uses machine learning algorithms to identify the incoming packet is malicious or not and use Blockchain technology to store the Blacklist. The key benefit of Blockchain is that blacklisted IP addresses are effectively stored, and usage of such infrastructure provides an advantage of extra security mechanism over existing DDoS mitigation systems. This paper has evaluated three different algorithms, such as the KNN Classifier, the Decision Tree Classifier, Random Forest algorithm to find out the better classifying algorithm. Tree Based Classifier technique used for Feature Selection to boost the computational time. Out of the three algorithms, Random Forest provides an accuracy about 95 % in real-time traffic analysis.
Citation Keymanikumar_blockchain_2020