Visible to the public Measuring source code conciseness across programming languages using compression

TitleMeasuring source code conciseness across programming languages using compression
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsBergmans, Lodewijk, Schrijen, Xander, Ouwehand, Edwin, Bruntink, Magiel
Conference Name2021 IEEE 21st International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM)
KeywordsAnalytical models, benchmarked software metrics, codes, Computer languages, Conferences, Heating systems, programming language conciseness, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Scalability, software metrics, source code volume normalization, Volume measurement, work factor metrics
AbstractIt is well-known, and often a topic of heated debates, that programs in some programming languages are more concise than in others. This is a relevant factor when comparing or aggregating volume-impacted metrics on source code written in a combination of programming languages. In this paper, we present a model for measuring the conciseness of programming languages in a consistent, objective and evidence-based way. We present the approach, explain how it is founded on information theoretical principles, present detailed analysis steps and show the quantitative results of applying this model to a large benchmark of diverse commercial software applications. We demonstrate that our metric for language conciseness is strongly correlated with both an alternative analytical approach, and with a large scale developer survey, and show how its results can be applied to improve software metrics for multi-language applications.
Citation Keybergmans_measuring_2021