Visible to the public Semi-Supervised Feature Embedding for Data Sanitization in Real-World Events

TitleSemi-Supervised Feature Embedding for Data Sanitization in Real-World Events
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsLavi, Bahram, Nascimento, José, Rocha, Anderson
Conference NameICASSP 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
Keywordscomposability, compositionality, Conferences, data relevance analysis, Data Sanitization, feature embedding, forensic application, Human Behavior, Image sanitization, privacy, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, semi-supervised learning, Semisupervised learning, Signal processing, Signal processing algorithms, social networking (online), supervised learning, Training
AbstractWith the rapid growth of data sharing through social media networks, determining relevant data items concerning a particular subject becomes paramount. We address the issue of establishing which images represent an event of interest through a semi-supervised learning technique. The method learns consistent and shared features related to an event (from a small set of examples) to propagate them to an unlabeled set. We investigate the behavior of five image feature representations considering low- and high-level features and their combinations. We evaluate the effectiveness of the feature embedding approach on five collected datasets from real-world events.
Citation Keylavi_semi-supervised_2021