Visible to the public Application Profiling From Encrypted Traffic

TitleApplication Profiling From Encrypted Traffic
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsNawaz, Alia, Naeem, Tariq, Tayyab, Muhammad
Conference Name2021 International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ICCWS)
KeywordsAlgorithms, Application Profiling, deep packet inspection, Education, Entertainment industry, Forensics, Inspection, ML, Protocols, pubcrawl, Real-time Systems, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, telecommunication traffic, Traffic analysis, Traffic Forensic
AbstractEveryday millions of people use Internet for various purposes including information access, communication, business, education, entertainment and more. As a result, huge amount of information is exchanged between billions of connected devices. This information can be encapsulated in different types of data packets. This information is also referred to as network traffic. The traffic analysis is a challenging task when the traffic is encrypted and the contents are not readable. So complex algorithms required to deduce the information and form patterns for traffic analysis. Many of currently available techniques rely on application specific attribute analysis, deep packet inspection (DPI) or content-based analysis that become ineffective on encrypted traffic. The article will focused on analysis techniques for encrypted traffic that are adaptive to address the evolving nature and increasing volume of network traffic. The proposed solution solution is less dependent on application and protocol specific parameters so that it can adapt to new types of applications and protocols. Our results shows that processing required for traffic analysis need to be in acceptable limits to ensure applicability in real-time applications without compromising performance.
Citation Keynawaz_application_2021