Visible to the public Innovative CAPTCHA to Both Exclude Robots and Detect Humans with Color Blindness

TitleInnovative CAPTCHA to Both Exclude Robots and Detect Humans with Color Blindness
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsWu, Jia-Ling, Tai, Nan-Ching
Conference Name2021 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan (ICCE-TW)
Keywordscaptchas, Cataracts, composability, Conferences, Human Behavior, pubcrawl, robots, user interfaces, Vision defects
AbstractThis paper presents a design concept of an innovative CAPTCHA that can filter the color-vision-recognition states of different users. It can simultaneously verify the real-human-user identity, differentiate between the color-vision needs, and decide the content to be presented automatically.
Citation Keywu_innovative_2021