Visible to the public Turing Machine based Syllable Splitter

TitleTuring Machine based Syllable Splitter
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsMallik, Abhishek, Khetarpal, Anavi
Conference Name2021 Fourth International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Technologies (CCICT)
Date Publishedjul
KeywordsCommunications technology, composability, compositionality, Computational Intelligence, Computational modeling, Computational Theory, Computers, finite automata, graphical user interfaces, Modelling and Simulation, pubcrawl, Syllable Splitter, Turing machine, Turing machines
AbstractNowadays, children, teens, and almost everyone around us tend to receive abundant and frequent advice regarding the usefulness of syllabification. Not only does it improve pronunciation, but it also makes it easier for us to read unfamiliar words in chunks of syllables rather than reading them all at once. Within this paper, we have designed, implemented, and presented a Turing machine-based syllable splitter. A Turing machine forms the theoretical basis for all modern computers and can be used to solve universal problems. On the other hand, a syllable splitter is used to hyphenate words into their corresponding syllables. We have proposed our work by illustrating the various states of the Turing machine, along with the rules it abides by, its machine specifications, and transition function. In addition to this, we have implemented a Graphical User Interface to stimulate our Turing machine to analyze our results better.
Citation Keymallik_turing_2021