Visible to the public Privacy, consumer trust and big data: Privacy by design and the 3 C'S

TitlePrivacy, consumer trust and big data: Privacy by design and the 3 C'S
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsChibba, Michelle, Cavoukian, Ann
Conference Name2015 ITU Kaleidoscope: Trust in the Information Society (K-2015)
Date Publisheddec
KeywordsBig Data, big data privacy, Business, Collaboration, data protection, Human Behavior, human factors, Information and communication technologies (ICTs), information society, Internet of Things, Metrics, privacy, privacy by design, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Scalability, security, Technological innovation, trustworthiness
AbstractThe growth of ICTs and the resulting data explosion could pave the way for the surveillance of our lives and diminish our democratic freedoms, at an unimaginable scale. Consumer mistrust of an organization's ability to safeguard their data is at an all time high and this has negative implications for Big Data. The timing is right to be proactive about designing privacy into technologies, business processes and networked infrastructures. Inclusiveness of all objectives can be achieved through consultation, co-operation, and collaboration (3 C's). If privacy is the default, without diminishing functionality or other legitimate interests, then trust will be preserved and innovation will flourish.
Citation Keychibba_privacy_2015