Visible to the public Influence of Magnetic Field on Corona Discharge Characteristics under Different Humidity Conditions

TitleInfluence of Magnetic Field on Corona Discharge Characteristics under Different Humidity Conditions
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsYang, Wendi, Zhang, Ming, Li, Chuan, Wang, Zutao, Xiao, Menghan, Li, Jiawei, Li, Dingchen, Zheng, Wei
Conference Name2022 IEEE 3rd China International Youth Conference on Electrical Engineering (CIYCEE)
Date Publishednov
Keywordscomposability, Corona, corona discharge, Electrodes, High-voltage techniques, Humidity, Ionization, Lorentz covariance, magnetic field, pubcrawl, relative humidity, resilience, Resiliency, volt-ampere characteristics, Wires
AbstractThe humidity in the air parameters has an impact on the characteristics of corona discharge, and the magnetic field also affects the electron movement of corona discharge. We build a constant humidity chamber and use a wire-mesh electrode device to study the effects of humidity and magnetic field on the discharge. The enhancement of the discharge by humidity is caused by the combination of water vapor molecules and ions generated by the discharge into hydrated ions. By building a "water flow channel" between the high voltage wire electrode and the ground mesh electrode, the ions can pass more smoothly, thereby enhanced discharge. The ions are subjected to the Lorentz force in the electromagnetic field environment, the motion state of the ions changes, and the larmor motion in the electromagnetic field increases the movement path, the collision between the gas molecules increases, and more charged particles are generated, which increases the discharge current. During the period, the electrons and ions generated by the ionization of the wire electrode leave the ionization zone faster, which reduces the inhibitory effect of the ion aggregation on the discharge and promotes the discharge.
Citation Keyyang_influence_2022