Visible to the public ASMBoT: An Intelligent Sanitizing Robot in the Coronavirus Outbreak

TitleASMBoT: An Intelligent Sanitizing Robot in the Coronavirus Outbreak
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsRamneet, Mudita, Gupta, Deepali
Conference Name2022 1st IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics: Developments & Applications (ICIDeA)
Date Publishedoct
Keywordscomposability, compositionality, COVID-19, Data Sanitization, Economics, Grid-EYE Sensor, Pandemics, pubcrawl, pumps, resilience, Resiliency, Robot sensing systems, sanitization, Sanitizing Machine, Surface Disinfectant, sustainable development, Ultrasonic Sensor, Weapons
AbstractTechnology plays a vital role in our lives to meet basic hygiene necessities. Currently, the whole world is facing an epidemic situation and the practice of using sanitizers is common nowadays. Sanitizers are used by people to sanitize their hands and bodies. It is also used for sanitizing objects that come into contact with the machine. While sanitizing a small area, people manage to sanitize via pumps, but it becomes difficult to sanitize the same area every day. One of the most severe sanitation concerns is a simple, economic and efficient method to adequately clean the indoor and outdoor environments. In particular, effective sanitization is required for people working in a clinical environment. Recently, some commonly used sanitizer techniques include electric sanitizer spray guns, electric sanitizer disinfectants, etc. However, these sanitizers are not automated, which means a person is required to roam personally with the device to every place to spray the disinfectant or sanitize an area. Therefore, a novel, cost-effective automatic sanitizing machine (ASM) named ASMBoT is designed that can dispense the sanitizer effectively by solving the aforementioned problems.
Citation Keyramneet_asmbot_2022