Visible to the public Assistance System to Consider Dynamic Phenomena for Secure System Operation

TitleAssistance System to Consider Dynamic Phenomena for Secure System Operation
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsSennewald, Tom, Song, Xinya, Westermann, Dirk
Conference Name2022 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe)
Date Publishedoct
Keywordsassistance system, Benchmark testing, composability, digital twin, Dynamic security assessment, Dynamical Systems, Estimation, Heuristic algorithms, Metrics, parameter estimation, Power system dynamics, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Smart grids, Systems operation
AbstractThis contribution provides the implementation of a digital twin-based assistance system to be used in future control rooms. By applying parameter estimation methods, the dynamic model in the digital twin is an accurate representation of the physical system. Therefore, a dynamic security assessment (DSA) that is highly dependent on a correctly parameterized dynamic model, can give more reliable information to a system operator in the control room. The assistance system is studied on the Cigre TB 536 benchmark system with an obscured set of machine parameters. Through the proposed parameter estimation approach the original parameters could be estimated, changing, and increasing the statement of the DSA in regard to imminent instabilities.
Citation Keysennewald_assistance_2022