Visible to the public A Co-regularization Facial Emotion Recognition Based on Multi-Task Facial Action Unit Recognition

TitleA Co-regularization Facial Emotion Recognition Based on Multi-Task Facial Action Unit Recognition
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsUdeh, Chinonso Paschal, Chen, Luefeng, Du, Sheng, Li, Min, Wu, Min
Conference Name2022 41st Chinese Control Conference (CCC)
Date Publishedjul
Keywordsconvolution neural network, Deep Learning, emotion recognition, face recognition, facial expression, facial recognition, Gold, head pose, Human Behavior, human-robot interaction, Metrics, Multitasking, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Stochastic processes, Systematics
AbstractFacial emotion recognition helps feed the growth of the future artificial intelligence with the development of emotion recognition, learning, and analysis of different angles of a human face and head pose. The world's recent pandemic gave rise to the rapid installment of facial recognition for fewer applications, while emotion recognition is still within the experimental boundaries. The current challenges encountered with facial emotion recognition (FER) are the difference between background noises. Since today's world shows us that humans soon need robotics in the most significant role of human perception, attention, memory, decision-making, and human-robot interaction (HRI) needs employees. By merging the head pose as a combination towards the FER to boost the robustness in understanding emotions using the convolutional neural networks (CNN). The stochastic gradient descent with a comprehensive model is adopted by applying multi-task learning capable of implicit parallelism, inherent and better global optimizer in finding better network weights. After executing a multi-task learning model using two independent datasets, the experiment with the FER and head pose learning multi-views co-regularization frameworks were subsequently merged with validation accuracy.
Citation Keyudeh_co-regularization_2022