

Visible to the public callForSubmissions_ARCH22.pdf


Visible to the public The 3rd International Competition on Verifying Continuous and Hybrid Systems (ARCH-COMP'19)

The 3rd International Competition on Verifying Continuous and Hybrid Systems (ARCH-COMP'19) held as a part of the 6th International Workshop on Applied Verification for Continuous and Hybrid Systems (ARCH'19) occurred on April 15, 2019 as a part of the ACM/IEEE Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things Week (CPS-IoT Week).


Visible to the public Bosch Sponsoring ARCH18

Bosch sponsors the 500 Euro prize for the most promising friendly competition result at ARCH18. Bosch has been a sponsor of the ARCH workshop series since 2015 and has been actively participating in the workshop since the first edition in 2014.


Visible to the public vanderpol_xy.png


Visible to the public vanderpol.hyxml


Visible to the public CNLN: Van der Pol Oscillator

Dear all:

We computed the reachable set for the nonlinear van der pol oscillator with C2E2 and wanted to share our results:

  • The initial set is given by x in [1.25,1.55] and y in [2.35,2.45]
  • The unsafe set if given by y>=2.75

C2E2 is able to verify the model after 64 refinements. However, since the unsafe set does not bound the x dimension, the x dimension bloats up quickly in our case.

The result for variable x,y is provided below and a model file from C2E2 is attached below.


Visible to the public xpyp.png


Visible to the public c2e2_nonlinear_noPass_6d.hyxml


Visible to the public xdyd.png


Visible to the public c2e2_nonlinear_noPass_4d.hyxml