Chronology of Activities
Chronology of Activities
- 19 Apr: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 12 Apr: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 8 Apr: Hosting MCPS Workshop during CPS Week 2013
- 5 Apr: Smart Alarm Meeting
- Apr 2013 - Mar 2015: Hosting a visiting scholar from Oxford University, Lu Feng
- 22 Mar: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 18-19 Mar: Research Meeting
- 15 Mar: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 8 Mar: "Collaborative" Visit, Penn Medicine for Innovation
- 8 Mar: Teleconference
- 25 Feb - 1 Mar: Hosted a visiting student from DGIST, Hyunlee Hwang
- 25 Feb: Invited Lecture at the University of North Carolina - "Assuring the Safety, Security, and Reliability of Medical-Device Cyber-Physical Systems" by Insup Lee
- 22 Feb: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 20 Feb: Teleconference
- 15 Feb: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 14 Feb: "Collaborative" Visit, Roche Diagnostic, Diabetes Care R&D
- 8 Feb: Teleconference
- 8 Feb: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 1 Feb: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 25 Jan: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 18 Jan: Teleconference
- 18 Jan: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 11 Jan: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 14 Dec: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 7 Dec: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 30 Nov: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 26 Nov: "Collaborative" Visit, MathWorks
- 17 Nov: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 16 Nov: Presented an overview of NSF CPS large project during NIH Site Visit for Quantum Project at MGH/CIMIT (Boston)
- 10 Nov: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 9 Nov: Teleconference
- 3 Nov: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 2 Nov: Teleconference
- 26 Oct: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 22 Oct: Teleconference
- 19 Oct: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 15 Oct - 15 Nov: Hosted a visiting scholar from Queen Mary University of London, Paolo Masci
- 12 Oct: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 8 Oct: Invited Talk at the Workshop on Reliability of Cyber-Physical Systems - "Reliability Challenges in Medical Cyber-Physical Systems" by Oleg Sokolsky
- 5 Oct: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 28 Sep: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 21 Sep: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 21 Sep: Invited Lecture at Nano-Tera/ARTIST Summers School on Embedded Systems Design 2012 (France) - "Challenges and Research Directions in Medical Cyber-Physical Systems" by Insup Lee
- 14 Sep: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 7 Sep: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 1 Sep 2012 - 25 Jan 2013: Hosted a visiting student from Korea University, Jeonghwan Ryu
- 1 Sep - 21 Dec: Hosted an intern, Antoine Durand-Gasselin
- 31 Aug: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 24 Aug: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 23 Aug: Keynote Talk at the Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems, DGIST (Tague) - ``Challenges and Research Directions in Medical Cyber-Physical Systems'' by Insup Lee
- 19 Aug: Keynote Talk at the Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems, Networks, and Applications (Seoul) - "Challenges and Research Directions in Medical Cyber-Physical Systems" by Insup Lee
- 17 Aug: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 3 Aug: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 30 Jul 2012 - 30 Jul 2013: Hosted a visiting scholar from ETRI, Korea, Chang Joon Park
- 27 Jul: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 20 Jul: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 20 Jul: Hosted Summer Software Symposium 2012 on "Effective Testing and Analysis" (organized by the University of Minnesota)
- 13 Jul: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 6 Jul: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 29 Jun: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 28 Jun - 1 Jul: Invited Talk at the IFIP Working Group 10.4 (Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance) - "Assurance cases for Generic PCA reference implementation and beyond" by Insup Lee
- 25 Jun: Keynote Talk at the Workshop on Open Resilient human-aware Cyber-Physical Systems (WORCS-2012) - "Challenges in Medical-Device Cyber-Physical Systems"' by Insup Lee
- 22 Jun: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 15 Jun: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 13 Jun: Keynote Talk at Safe and Secure Systems and Software Symposium - "Challenges in Certification for Medical Cyber-Physical Systems" by Oleg Sokolsky
- 8 Jun: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 1 Jun: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 30 May - 30 Aug: Host of 2012 SUNFEST REU Program recipient, Stephanie Diaz (from SUNY Binghamton)
- 30 May - 3 Aug: Host of 2012 Summer Undergraduate Research in Engineering (SURE) Program receipient, Bill Kim from Johns Hopkins University
- 25 May: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 18 May: Open House [In the Media]
- 11 May: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 4 May: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 1 May: Distinguished Lecture at University of Minnesota - "Challenges and Research Directions in Medical Cyber-Physical Systems" by Insup Lee
- 27 Apr: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 20 Apr: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 13 Apr: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 6 Apr: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 30 Mar: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 23 Mar: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 16 Mar: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 11-23 Mar: Hosted a visiting scholar, Abdelkrim Hadjidj
- 2 Mar: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 24 Feb: Smart Alarm Meeting
- 6-10 Feb: Invited Talk at The Federation of Korean Information Industries (Seoul) - "Embedded Software for Life-Critical Application" by Insup Lee
- 1 Feb: Teleconference
- 31 Jan: NSF Site Visit (MD-CPS Large Review)
- 20 Jan: Teleconference
- 6 Jan: Teleconference
- 17 Dec: Keynote Talk at KOCSEA Symposium (San Jose) - ``Challenges and Research Directions in Medical Cyber Physical Systems'' by Insup Lee
- 18 Nov: Teleconference
- 4 Nov: Teleconference
- 21 Oct: Teleconference
- 18 Oct: Teleconference
- 4 Oct: Teleconference
- 9 Sep: Teleconference
- 28 Jul: Hosted Summer Software Symposium on "Assurance Cases - New Techniques and New Guidance" (organized by the University of Minnesota)
- 27 Jul: Project Meeting
- 28 Jun: Invited Talk at the 1st EU-US Workshop on Networked Monitoring & Control CPS (Belgium) - "Medical Cyber-Physical Systems" by Insup Lee
- 17 Jun: "Collaborative" Visit, Johnson & Johnson
- 20 May: Teleconference
- 20 May: Plenary Talk at ISET (South Korea) - "Cyber Physical Systems: 21st Century Embedded Systems" by Insup Lee
- 28 Apr: Keynote Talk at the 18th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Computer-Based Systems - "Medical Cyber-Physical Systems" by Oleg Sokolsky
- 22 Apr: Teleconference
- 4 Mar: Teleconference
- 13 Dec: Kick-off Meeting
- 10 Dec: Distinguished Lecture at Washington University - ``Medical Cyber Physical Systems'' by Insup Lee
- 19 Nov: Hosted a workshop on "Safety and reliability of medical device software systems" with University of Waterloo at Penn