Our Community
The group brings together researchers and developers working on CPS in the medical domain, such as medical device interoperability, high-confidence development of medical devices, medical robotics, etc. Several large-scale projects in the medical CPS domain have been funded by both NSF and NIH. The group will host discussions that go beyond the scope of any individual projects, planning future projects, and general exchange of ideas. The group is open to all researchers who are involved in medical CPS research or are interested in learning more about it.
Internal Members Principal Investigator
Research Program Manager
Safety-Assured Software Development for Medical Devices
Physiological Closed-Loop Control
Smart Alarms, Clinical Decision Support
Medical Device Interoperability
Medical Device Security
Collaborators NSF
Kansas State University
University of Illinois
DocBox, Inc.
Anakena Solutions
International Collaborators
DGIST, South Korea
CHI-MED, United Kingdom