TITLE (with link to Poster and Abstract) |
Award ID |
Ossama Abdelkhalik |
CPS: Breakthrough: Toward Revolutionary Algorithms for Cyber-Physical Systems Architecture Optimization |
Ossama Abdelkhalik |
1446622 |
Behcet Ackimese |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Autonomy Protocols: From Human Behavioral Modeling to Correct-By-Construction, Scalable Control |
Behcet Ackimese |
1446578, 1446520, 1446479 |
Mohammad Al Faruque |
Defending Side Channel Attacks in Cyber-Physical Additive Layer Manufacturing Systems |
Mohammad Al Faruque |
1546993 |
James Anderson |
Bringing the Multicore Revolution to Safety-Critical Cyber-Physical Systems |
Namhoon Kim |
1239135, 1239246 |
James Anderson |
Doing More with Less: Cost-Effective Infrastructure for Automotive Vision Capabilities |
Andrew Hassevoort |
1446631 |
Anuradha Annaswamy |
CPS: Medium: Collaborative Research: Co-Design of Multimodal CPS Architectures and Adaptive Controllers |
Anuradha Annaswamy |
1135815 |
Anuradha Annaswamy |
CPS: TTP Option: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Hardening Network Infrastructures for Fast, Resilient, and Cost-Optimal Wide-Area Control of Power Systems |
Anuradha Annaswamy |
1544751 |
Murat Arcak |
Efficient Traffic Management: A Formal Methods Approach |
Murat Arcak |
1446145, 1446151 |
Er-wei Bai |
Source Localization by a Network of Imperfect Binary Sensors |
Er-wei Bai |
1239509 |
Ou Bai |
A Wireless, Smart EEG System for Volitional Control of Lower-Limb Prosthesis |
Ou Bai |
1446737 |
Calin Belta |
CPS Frontier "Collaborative Research bioCPS for Engineering Living Cells" |
Calin Belta |
1446607, 1446592, 1446592 |
Bir Bhanu |
CPS: Synergy: Distributed Sensing, Learning and Control in Dynamic Environments |
Bir Bhanu |
1330110 |
Francesco Borrelli |
CPS: Synergy: Provably Safe Automotive Cyber-Physical Systems with Humans-in-the-Loop |
Francesco Borrelli |
1239323 |
Alper Bozkurt |
Collaborative Research: Cyborg Insect Networks for Exploration and Mapping (CINEMa) |
Alper Bozkurt |
1239243 |
Philip Brisk |
Cyber-physical Digital Microfluidics: Software-programmable High-density Pixel Array |
Philip Brisk |
1035603, 1545097, 1544686 |
Michael Bryant |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Hybrid Continuous-Discrete Computers for Cyber-Physical Systems |
Benito Fernandez |
1239136 |
Linda Bushnell |
CPS: Synergy: Certifiable, Attack-resilient Submodular Control Framework for Smart Grid Stability |
Linda Bushnell |
1544173 |
Christos Cassandras |
A Cyber-Physical Infrastructure for the "Smart City" |
Christos Cassandras |
1239021, 1239102, 1239030 |
Charles Catlett |
Prototyping a Scalable and Evolvable Urban Sensing Platform for Smart Cities |
Rajesh Sankaran |
1528966 |
M. Cenk Cavusoglu |
A Framework for Validation and Monitoring of Robotic Surgery Systems |
M. Cenk Cavusoglu |
1035602 |
Tam Chantem |
Semi-Automated Emergency Response Systems |
Tam Chantem |
1545091, 1544601 |
Nilanjan Ray Chaudhuri |
CRII: CPS: Architecture and Distributed Computation in the Networked Control Paradigm: An Autonomous Grid Example |
Nilanjan Ray Chaudhuri |
1464208 |
Howard Chizeck |
CPS: Breakthrough: Secure Telerobotics |
Howard Chizeck |
1329751 |
Rance Cleaveland |
Generalized Synchronization Trees |
Rance Cleaveland |
1446665 |
Jorges Cortes |
Robust team-triggered coordination for real-time control of networked cyber-physical systems |
Jorges Cortes |
1329619 |
David Culler |
CPS: Synergy: Software Defined Buildings |
David Culler |
1239552 |
Munther Daleh |
Endogenous Error Pricing for Energy Imbalance Settlements |
Mardavij Roozbehani |
1135843 |
Sanjoy Das |
Holonic Multi-Agent Control of Intelligent Power Distribution Systems |
Sanjoy Das |
1136040 |
Sajal Das |
CPS: Breakthrough: Collaborative: Securing Smart Grid by Understanding Communications Infrastructure Dependencies |
Sajal Das |
1545037 |
Sajal Das |
Collaborative Research: Threat Assessment Tools for Management-Coupled Cyber- and Physical- Infrastructures |
Sajal Das |
1545050 |
Domitilla Del Vecchio |
Collaborative Research: Formal Design of Semi-Autonomous Cyberphysical Transportation Systems |
Domitilla Del Vecchio |
1239182 |
Ashish Deshpande |
NSF-CPS-Medium: Collaborative Research: Design and development of a cybernetic exoskeleton for hand-wrist rehabilitation through the integration of human passive properties |
Ashish Deshpande |
1135949, 1135916 |
Suhas Diggavi |
Foundations of Secure Cyber-Physical Systems |
Suhas Diggavi |
1136174 |
Abhishek Dubey |
Experiments with Smart City Hubs: Integration Platform for Human Cyber-Physical Systems In Smart Cities |
Abhishek Dubey |
1528799 |
Geir Dullerud |
Verifying Continuous-time Stochastic Hybrid Systems via Mori-Zwanzig Model Reduction |
Geir Dullerud |
1329991 |
Magnus Egerstedt |
Safe and Secure Open-Access Multi-Robot Systems |
Magnus Egerstedt |
1544332 |
Magnus Egerstedt |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Hybrid Control Tools for Power Management and Optimization in Cyber-Physical Systems |
Magnus Egerstedt |
1239225 |
Jon Eisenberg |
Future Research Goals and Directions for Foundational Science in Cybersecurity, Phase Two |
Jon Eisenberg |
1400278 |
Nicola Elia |
CPS: Breakthrough: Distributed computing under uncertainty: a new paradigm for cooperative cyber-physical systems |
Nicola Elia |
1239319 |
Randall Erb |
CPS: Breakthrough: A Cyber-Physical Framework for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Guided Magnetic NanoParticles |
Randall Erb |
1329649 |
Deniz Erdogmus |
CPS: TTP Option: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Nested Control of Assistive Robots through Human Intent Inference |
Taskin Padir |
1544895, 1544636 |
Georgios Fainekos |
CAREER: Robustness Guided Testing and Verification for Cyber-Physical Systems |
Georgios Fainekos |
1350420 |
Yaser Fallah |
CAREER: Multi-Resolution Model and Context Aware Information Networking for Cooperative Vehicle Efficiency and Safety Systems |
Yaser Fallah |
1453125 |
Eric Feron |
Semantics of Optimization for Real Time Intelligent Embedded Systems(SORTIES) |
Eric Feron |
1446758, 1446520, 1446812 |
Daniel Gajski |
Exploration of the Cyber-Physical Design Space |
Frank Vahid |
1136146 |
John Gallagher |
Methodologies for Engineering with Plug-and-Learn Components: Synthesis and Analysis Across Abstraction Layers |
John C. Gallagher |
1239196, 1239171, 1239229 |
Subhashini Ganapathy |
CPS Eager: Intelligent Agent Incident Command System (ICS) Augmentation |
Subhashini Ganapathy |
1528550 |
Dennice Gayme |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Beyond Stability: Performance, Efficiency and Disturbance Management for Smart Infrastructure Systems |
Dennice Gayme |
1544771, 1544724, 1544761, 1545096 |
Chris Gill |
CyberMech, a Novel Run-Time Substrate for Cyber-Mechanical Systems |
Chris Gill |
1136073, 1136075 |
Eugene Goldfield |
Multi-Robot Cyberphysical System For Assisting Young Developmentally-Delayed Children in Learning to Walk |
Eugene Goldfield |
1329363 |
Andrea Goldsmith |
Event-Based Information Acquisition, Learning, and Control in High-Dimensional Cyber-Physical Systems |
Mahnoosh Alizadeh |
1330081, 1329819, 1329936 |
Mani Golparvar-Fard |
Autonomous Vision-based Construction Project Monitoring |
Mani Golparvar-Fard |
1446765 |
Manimaran Govindarasu |
CPS: Synergy: High-Fidelity, Scalable, Open-Access Cyber Security Testbed for Accelerating Smart Grid Innovations & Deployments |
Aditya Ashok |
1446831 |
Paul Green |
Driving Research: Advances in Methods |
Paul Green |
1238600 |
William Griswold |
MetaSense: Calibration of Personal Air Quality Sensors in the Field |
William Griswold |
1446912, 1446899 |
Jessy Grizzle |
Correct-by-Design Control Software Synthesis for Highly Dynamic Systems |
Aaron Ames |
1239055, 1239037, 1239085, 1562236 |
Vijay Gupta |
Architectural and Algorithmic Solutions for Large Scale PEV Integration into Power Grids |
Vijay Gupta |
1239224, 1239408, 1312390 |
John Hatcliff |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Trustworthy Composition of Dynamic App-Centric Architectures for Medical Application Platforms |
John Hatcliff & Venkatesh Ranganath |
1239543, 1239324 |
Tian He |
coRide: Data-driven Ridesharing Service for Large-Scale Vehicle Networks |
Tian He & Desheng Zhang |
1446640 |
Henry Zhihai He |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Cyber-Physical Sensing, Modeling, and Control for Large-Scale Wastewater Reuse and Algal Biomass Production |
Henry Zhihai He |
1544794, 1544798 |
Joao Hespanha |
Controller Design for Systems with Clock Offsets |
Justin Pearson |
1329650 |
Jianghai Hu |
CPS: Synergy: Plug-and-Play Cyber-Physical Systems to Enable Intelligent Buildings |
Panagiota Karava |
1329875 |
Petros Ioannou |
CPS: Synergy: Cyber Physical Regional Freight Transportation System |
Petros Ioannou |
1545130 |
Hongrui Jiang |
Smart Flexible Camera Sheet: Ultra-thin Semantic-guided Cooperative Micro-camera Array |
Hongrui Jiang |
1329481 |
Taylor Johnson |
CRII: CPS: Safe Cyber-Physical Systems Upgrades |
Taylor Johnson |
1464311 |
Christine Julien |
CPS: Synergy: Physically-Informed Assertions for CPS Development and Debugging |
Raul Longoria |
1239498 |
Temesghen Kahsai |
Credible Autocoding and Verification of Embedded Software (CrAVES) |
Temesghen Kahsai |
1136008, 1135955 |
Krishna Kant |
Securing Smart Grid by Understanding Communications Infrastructure Dependencies |
Krishna Kant & Sajal Das |
1544904, 1545037 |
Sertac Karaman |
CAREER: Practical Algorithms and Fundamental Limits for Complex Cyber-Physical Systems |
Sertac Karaman |
1350685 |
Sertac Karaman |
EAGER: Autonomy-enabled Shared Vehicles for Mobility on Demand and Urban Logistics |
Sertac Karaman |
1523401 |
Sertac Karaman |
CPS: Synergy: Design and Control of High-performance Provably-safe Autonomy-enabled Dynamic Transportation |
Sertac Karaman & Mao Zhi-Hong |
1544413, 1544578 |
Gabor Karsai |
Diagnostics and Prognostics Using Temporal Causal Models for Cyber Physical Systems - A Case of Smart Electric Grid |
Abhishek Dubey |
1329803, 1329666, 1329800 |
Rajesh Kavasseri |
WARP: Wide Area Resilient Protection |
Rajesh Kavasseri |
1544621, 1544645 |
Alex Kirlik |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Engineering Safety-Critical Cyber-Physical-Human Systems |
Alex Kirlik |
1330077 |
Ilya Kolmanovsky |
CPS:GOALI:Synergy: Maneuver and Data Optimization for High Confidence Testing of Future Automotive Cyberphysical Systems |
Ella Atkins |
1544844 |
Hadas Kress-Gazit |
High-level perception and control for autonomous reconfigurable modular robots |
Hadas Kress-Gazit |
1329692 |
Bruce Krogh |
The KeYmaera X Theorem Prover for Hybrid Systems |
Nathan Fulton |
1035800, 1054246 |
Sandeep Kulkarni |
Scalable Component-based Model Revision of Cyber-Physical Systems with Separation of Concerns |
Sandeep Kulkarni |
1329807 |
Panganamala Kumar |
Boolean Microgrid |
P.R. Kumar & Abhishek Halder |
1239116 |
Thomas Kurfess |
Converting Multi-Axis Machine Tools into Subtractive 3D Printers by using Intelligent Discrete Geometry Data Structures |
Thomas Kurfess |
1329742 |
Stephane Lafortune |
CPS: Breakthrough: Development of Novel Architectures for Control and Diagnosis of Safety-Critical Complex Cyber-Physical System |
Stephane Lafortune |
1446298 |
Sanjay Lall |
Sufficient Statistics for Team Decision Problems |
Alex Lemon |
1544199 |
David Lary |
GASP: Geolocated Allergen Sensing Platform |
David Lary |
1541227 |
Kincho Law |
Cyber Infrastructure for Bridge Lifecycle Monitoring |
Seongwoon Jeong |
1446330 |
Insup Lee |
Synergy: Collaborative Research: Security and Privacy-Aware Cyber-Physical Systems |
Lu Feng & James Weimer |
1505799 , 1505701 |
Ji-Woong Lee |
Digital Control of Hybrid Systems via Simulation and Bisimulation |
Heath Hofmann |
1329539 |
Edward Lee |
A Mathematical Theory of Cyber-Physical Systems |
Edward Lee |
1446619 |
Insup Lee |
Assuring the Safety, Security and Reliability of Medical Device Cyber Physical Systems |
Oleg Sokolsky |
1035715 |
Michael Lemmon |
Resilient Wireless Sensor Actuator Networks |
Michael Lemmon |
1239222 |
Baoxin Li |
GoingEasy(r) with Crowdsourcing - Building Cyber-Physical Systems for People with Visual Impairment |
Baoxin Li |
1135616 |
Husheng Li |
CPS: Breakthrough: An Entropy Framework for Communications and Dynamics Interdependency in Cyber Physical Systems: Analysis, Design and Implementation |
Husheng Li |
1543830 |
Hai Lin |
Dependable Multi-Robot Cooperative Tasking in Uncertain and Dynamic Environments |
Hai Lin |
1446288 , 1446285 |
Zhenhua Liu |
Enabling Demand Response from Cloud Data Centers -- from Sustainable IT to IT for Sustainability |
Zhenhua Liu |
1464388 |
Anh Luong |
Research Platform for Quality of Time (QoT) Stack |
Adwait Dongare |
1329755, 1329644, 1329650 |
Robyn Lutz |
Detecting and Recovering from Faults in Programmed Molecular Systems |
Robyn R. Lutz |
1545028 |
Jerome Lynch |
Enhanced Structural Health Monitoring of Civil Infrastructure by Observing and Controlling Loads using Cyber-Physical Systems |
Jerome P. Lynch |
1446521 |
Nina Mahmoudian |
Power Distribution System for Continuous Operation |
Nina Mahmoudian |
1453886 |
Ann Majewicz |
Intuitive Human-in-the-Loop Control for Medical Cyber-Physical Systems |
Ann Majewicz |
1464432 |
Fillia Makedon |
A Novel Human Centric CPS to Improve Motor/Cognitive Assessment and Enable Adaptive Rehabilitation |
Fillia Makedon |
1035913 |
Rahul Mangharam |
CPS: Frontier: Collaborative Research: Compositional, Approximate, and Quantitative Reasoning for Medical Cyber-Physical Systems |
Rahul Mangharam |
1446664 |
Marco Gruteser |
Harnessing the Automotive Infoverse |
Shubham Jain |
1330118, 1329939 |
Nuno Martins |
Remote Imaging of Community Ecology via Animal-borne Wireless Networks |
Nuno Martins |
1135726, 1135719, 1135724 |
Nuno Martins |
Designing semi-autonomous networks of miniature robots for inspection of bridges and other large infrastructures |
Nuno Martins |
1446785, 1446434 |
Nicholas Maxemchuk |
Verification of Intelligent Driving Systems |
Nick Maxemchuk |
1329593 |
Sudip Mazumder |
Boolean Microgrid |
Sudip Mazumder |
1239118 |
Christoph Meinrenken |
Advanced peak demand forcast and battery dispatch algorithms to integrate storage-based demand response with BAS |
Ali Mehmani |
1524628 |
Sean Meyn |
Smart Power Systems of the Future: Foundations for Understanding Volatility and Improving Operational Reliability |
Sean Meyn |
1135598, 1259040 |
Pitu Mirchandani |
MIDAS: A Cyber Physical System for Proactive Traffic Management to Enhance Mobility and Sustainability |
Pitu Mirchandani |
1239396, 1239364 |
Urbashi Mitra |
Energy and Delay: Network Optimization in Cyber Physical Human Sensing Systems |
Urbashi Mitra |
1446901 |
Jayathi Murthy |
Cyber Enabled Manufacturing Systems (CeMs) for Small Lot Manufacture |
Daniel Moser |
1239343 |
Srinivas Narasimhan |
Synergy: Anytime Visual Scene Understanding for Heterogeneous and Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems |
Srinivasa Narasimhan |
1446601 |
Umit Ozguner |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Collaborative Vehicular Systems |
Umit Ozguner |
1446730, 1446735 |
Taskin Padir |
CARE: Cyber-Physical Systems for Advanced Response to Epidemics |
Taskin Padir |
1509782 , 1545091, 1544601 |
Nikolaus Papanikolopoulos |
Dynamic Methods of Traffic Control that Impact Quality of Life in Smart Cities |
Theodore Morris |
1544887 |
Fabio Pasqualetti |
Control-Theoretic Defense Strategies for Cyber-Physical Systems |
Fabio Pasqualetti |
1405330 |
Eric Perreault |
Cybernetic Interfaces for the Restoration of Human Movement through Functional Electrical Stimulation |
Matthew Tresch |
0932263 |
Andre Platzer |
Knowledge-Aware Cyber-Physical Systems |
Andre Platzer & Nathan Fulton |
1446712 |
Radha Poovendran |
CPS: Breakthrough: Towards a Science of Attack Composition, Mitigation and Verification in CPS: A Passivity Based Approach |
Radha Poovendran |
1446866 |
Hairong Qi |
Achieving High-Resolution Situational Awareness in Ultra-Wide-Area Cyber-Physical Systems |
Qing Charles Cao |
1239478 |
Zhen (Sean) Qian |
Matching Parking Supply to Travel Demand towards Sustainability |
Sean Qian |
1544826, 1544835, 1545043 |
Raj Rajkumar |
CPS: Large: Center for Autonomous Transportation Systems |
Raj Rajkumar |
1035813 |
Kishore Ramachandran |
Programming and Execution Environment for Geo-Distributed Latency-Sensitive Applications |
Enrique Saurez Apuy & Steffen Maass |
1446801 |
Parameswaran Ramanathan |
CPS: Synergy: Preserving Confidentiality of Sensitive Information in Power System Models |
Parameswaran Ramanathan |
1329452 |
Shangping Ren |
Executable Distributed Medical Best Practice Guidance (EMBG) System for End-to-End Emergency Care from Rural to Regional Center |
Shangping Ren & Lui Sha |
1545008 , 1545002 |
Hanz Richter |
Cyber-Enabled Repetitive Motions in Rehabilitation |
Hanz Richter |
1544702 |
David Roberts |
CPS: Synergy: Integrated Sensing and Control Algorithms for Computer-Assisted Training |
Alper Bozkurt |
1329738 |
Sandip Roy |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Threat-Assessment Tools for Management-Coupled Cyber and Physical Infrastructures |
Sandip Roy |
1544863, 1545050 |
Nirmalya Roy |
Low-cost Continuous Virtual Energy Audits in Cyber-Physical Building Envelope |
Nirmalya Roy |
1544687 |
Amit Roy-Chowdhury |
Extracting time-critical situational awareness from resource constrained networks |
Amit Roy-Chowdhury |
1544969, 1545071 |
Walid Saad |
Towards Secure Networked Cyber-Physical Systems: A Theoretic Framework with Bounded Rationality |
Walid Saad |
1446621, 1446570, 1446574 |
Murti Salapaka |
Learning from Cells for transport at micron scale |
Murti Salapaka |
1544721, 1544635 |
Venkatesh Saligrama |
A Multi-Resolution Approach for Discovery and 3D Modeling of Archaeological Sites Using Satellite Imagery and a UAV-Borne Camera |
Mac Schwager |
1330008 |
Ricardo Sanfelice |
Computationally Aware Cyber-Physical Systems |
Ricardo Sanfelice |
1544396 |
Lalitha Sankar |
CPS: TTP Option: Synergy: A Verifiable Framework for Cyber- Physical Attacks and Countermeasures in a Resilient Electric Power Grid |
Kory Hedman and Lalitha Sankar |
1449080 |
Sriram Sankaranarayanan |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: In-Silico Functional Verification of Artificial Pancreas Control Algorithms |
Sriram Sankaranarayanan |
1446900 |
Soumik Sarkar |
A Knowledge Representation and Information Fusion Framework for Decision Making in Complex Cyber-Physical Systems |
Soumik Sarkar |
1464279 |
Gunar Schirner |
CPS: Medium: Collaborative Research: Holistic Design Methodology for Automated Implementation of Human-in-the-Loop Cyber-Physical Systems |
Gunar Schirner |
1136027 |
Curt Schurgers |
INSPIRE Track I: Distributed Sensing Collective to Capture 3D Soundscapes |
Ryan Kastner |
1344291 |
Mac Schwager |
Cyber-Physical Manipulation (CPM): Locating, Manipulating, and Retrieving Large Objects with Large Populations of Robots |
Mac Schwager |
1330036, 1330085 |
Peter Selier |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Managing Uncertainty in the Design of Safety-Critical Aviation Systems |
Peter Selier |
1329390, 1329341 |
Raja Sengupta |
CPS: Medium: Making Cloud Computing Sense, Act, and Move (SAM) |
Raja Sengupta |
1136141 |
Lui Sha |
CPS: Synergy: Integrated Emergency Cyber Physical Human Systems |
Lui Sha |
1329886 |
Kai Shen |
CPS: Synergy: Self-Sustainable Data-Driven Systems In the Field |
Kai Shen |
1239423 |
Kang Shin |
Adaptive management of large energy storage systems for vehicle electrification |
Kang Shin |
1446117 |
Kang Shin |
Thermal Management of Cyber-Physical Systems |
C. M. Krishna |
1329702 |
Ness Shroff |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Cognitive Green Building: A Holistic Cyber-Physical Analytic Paradigm for Energy Sustainability |
Jia Liu |
1446582 |
Siddhartha Sikdar |
CPS: Synergy: A Novel Biomechatronic Interface Based on Wearable Dynamic Imaging Sensors |
Siddhartha Sikdar |
1329829 |
Bruno Sinopoli |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Event-Based Information Acquisition, Learning, and Control in High-Dimensional Cyber-Physical Systems |
Bruno Sinopoli |
1329936 |
Scott Smolka |
CPS: Frontier: Collaborative Research: Compositional, Approximate, and Quantitative Reasoning for Medical Cyber-Physical Systems |
Scott Smolka |
1446583, 1446664, 1446365, 1446832, 1446725, 1446312, 1446675 |
Scott Smolka |
CPS: Frontier: Collaborative Research: Compositional, Approximate, and Quantitative Reasoning for Medical Cyber-Physical Systems |
Elizabeth Cherry |
1446583, 1446664, 1446365, 1446832, 1446725, 1446312, 1446675 |
Scott Smolka |
Closed-Loop Formal Verification of ICDs Using Cardiac Electrophysiological Models |
Greg Byrne |
1445770 |
Oleg Sokolsky |
Safety-Feature Modeling and Adaptive Resource Management for Mixed-Criticality Cyber-Physical Systems |
Oleg Sokolsky |
1329984, 1329861 |
Jonathan Sprinkle |
Domain-Specific Modeling Techniques for Cyber-Physical Systems |
Jonathan Sprinkle |
1253334 |
Jonathan Sprinkle |
Control of Vehicular Traffic Flow via Low Density Autonomous Vehicles |
Johnathan Sprinkle |
1446435 |
Jonathan Sprinkle |
Collaborative Research: Computationally Aware Cyber-Physical Systems |
Jonathan Sprinkle |
1544395 |
Siddharta Srinivasa |
Learning control sharing strategies for assistive cyber-physical systems |
Stefanos Nikolaidis |
1544797 |
Mani Srivastava |
Go-RealTime: Knowledge and Control of Time in High Level Programming Language |
Zhou Fang |
1329755, 1329644, 1329650, 1329766 |
Mani Srivastava |
Quality of Time Architecture & APIs |
Fatima Anwar |
1329755 |
Mani Srivastava |
An End-to-end Quality of Time (QoT) Stack for Linux |
Andrew Symington |
1329755, 1329644, 1329650 |
John Stankovic |
Eager: Detecting and Addressing Adverse Dependencies Across Human-in-the-Loop In-Home Medical Apps |
John Stankovic |
1527563 |
John Stankovic |
Multiple-Level Predictive Control of Mobile Cyber Physical Systems with Correlated Context |
John Stankovic |
1239483, 1536086 |
Radu Stoleru |
CAREER: Foundations for Flow-based Cyber-Physical Systems |
Radu Stoleru |
1253968 |
Peter Stone |
Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for CPS: The Open-Source TEXPLORE Code Release for Reinforcement Learning on Robots |
Peter Stone |
1330072 |
Peter Stone |
Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for CPS: TacTex'13: A Champion Adaptive Power Trading Agent |
Peter Stone |
1330072 |
Ed Suh |
Safety Assurance of Cyber-Physical Systems Through Secure and Verifiable Information Flow Control |
Ed Suh |
1544788 |
Katia Sycara |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Formal Models of Human Control and Interaction with Cyber-Physical Systems |
Katia Sycara |
1329986 |
Janos Sztipanovits |
CPS-VO Active Resources |
Chris vanBuskirk |
1521617 |
Janos Sztipanovits |
Science of Cyber-Physical System Integration |
Siyuan Dai |
1035655 |
Walid Taha |
CPS: Medium: Collaborative Research: A CPS Approach to Robot Design |
Corky Cartwright |
1136099, 1136104 |
Xiaobo Tan |
CPS: Synergy: Tracking Fish Movement with a School of Gliding Robotic Fish |
Xiaobo Tan |
1446793 |
Herbert Tanner |
Efficient Control Synthesis and Learning in Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems |
Herbert Tanner |
1035577, 1035588 |
Kevin Tomsovic |
CPS: Synergy: A Cyber Physical Framework for Remedial Action Schemes in Large Power Networks |
Husheng Li |
1239366 |
Stavros Tripakis |
COSMOI - Compositional System Modeling with Interfaces |
Stavros Tripakis |
1329759 |
Panagiotis Tsiotras |
Adaptive Intelligence for Cyber-Physical Automotive Active Safety System Design and Evaluation |
Panagiotis Tsiotras |
1544814 |
Yannis Tsividis |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Hybrid Continuous-Discrete Computers for Cyber-Physical Systems |
Mingoo Seok |
1239134 |
Umesh Vaidya |
A Unified System Theoretic Framework for Cyber Attack-Resilient Power Grid |
Umesh Vaidya |
1329915 |
Pietro Valdastri |
CPS: Synergy: Integrated Modeling, Analysis and Synthesis of Miniature Medical Devices |
Addisu Taddese |
1239355 |
Patricio Vela |
Learning to Walk - Optimal Gait Synthesis and Online Learning for Terrain-Aware Legged Locomotion |
Patricio Vela |
1544857 |
Nalini Venkatasubramanian |
EAGER: SCALE 2 (Safe Community Awareness and Alerting) - Extending a SmartAmerica Challenge Project |
Nalini Venkatasubramanian |
1450768 |
Nalini Venkatasubramanian |
EAGER: Exploring Resilience in SmartCity Water Infrastructure |
Nalini Venkatasubramanian |
1528995 |
Yon Visell |
CPS Breakthrough: From Whole-Hand Tactile Imaging to Interactive Simulation |
Yon Visell |
1446752 |
Jan Vitek |
CPS: Medium: Robust Distributed Wind Power Engineering |
Ethan Blanton |
1523426 , 1136045 |
Conor Walsh |
Human-Machine Interaction with Mobility Enhancing Soft Exosuits |
Jaehyun Bae |
1446464 |
Yan Wan |
Co-Design of Networking and Decentralized Control to Enable Aerial Networks in an Uncertain Airspace |
Yan Wan |
1453722 |
Yan Wan |
EAGER: Aerial Communication Infrastructure for Smart Emergency Response |
Yan Wan & Shengli Fu |
1522458 |
Jules White |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Cyber-Physical Approaches to Advanced Manufacturing Security |
Jules White |
1446304, 1446804 |
Teresa Wu |
SMARTER -Smart Manager for Adaptive and Real-Time decisions in building clustERs |
Jin Wen |
1239247, 1239093, 1239257 |
Wencen Wu |
Collaborative Research: Towards Effective and Efficient Sensing-Motion Co-Design of Swarming Cyber-Physical Systems |
Wencen Wu |
1446461, 1446557, 1446484 |
Yufeng Xin |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Distributed Asynchronous Algorithms and Software Systems for Wide-Area Mentoring of Power Systems |
Yufeng Xin |
1329745, 1329780 |
Mark Yim |
High-level perception and control for autonomous reconfigurable modular robots |
Mark Yim |
1329620 |
Wei Yu |
Multistep Electricity Price in Electricity Market in Smart Grid |
Wei Yu |
1350145 |
Hitten Zaveri |
Fault-Tolerant Brain Implantable Cyber-Physical System |
Hitten Zaveri & Bharat Joshi |
1544986, 1544633 |
Hongwei Zhang |
A Cross-Layer Approach to Taming Cyber-Physical Uncertainties in Vehicular Wireless Networking and Platoon Control |
Hongwei Zhang, Le Yi Wang |
1136007 |
Baosen Zhang |
Active Regression for Cyberphysical Systems |
Baosen Zhang |
1544160 |
Pei Zhang |
Efficient Mapping and Management of Applications onto Cyber-Physical Systems |
Pei Zhang |
1135874, 1135953 |
Minghui Zhu |
Breakthrough: CPS-Security: Towards Provably Correct Distributed Attack-Resilient Control of Unmanned-Vehicle-Operator Networks |
Minghui Zhu |
1505664 |
Michael Zink |
CAREER: Sensing as a Service - Architectures for Closed-Loop Sensor Network Virtualization Applications |
Priyanka Dattatri Kedalagudde |
1350752 |