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LEAD PI TITLE (with link to Poster and Abstract) VIDEO PRESENTER Award ID
Ossama Abdelkhalik CPS: Breakthrough: Toward Revolutionary Algorithms for Cyber-Physical Systems Architecture Optimization Ossama Abdelkhalik 1446622
Behcet Ackimese CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Autonomy Protocols: From Human Behavioral Modeling to Correct-By-Construction, Scalable Control Behcet Ackimese 1446578, 1446520, 1446479
Mohammad Al Faruque Defending Side Channel Attacks in Cyber-Physical Additive Layer Manufacturing Systems Mohammad Al Faruque 1546993
James Anderson Bringing the Multicore Revolution to Safety-Critical Cyber-Physical Systems Namhoon Kim 1239135, 1239246
James Anderson Doing More with Less: Cost-Effective Infrastructure for Automotive Vision Capabilities Andrew Hassevoort 1446631
Anuradha Annaswamy CPS: Medium: Collaborative Research: Co-Design of Multimodal CPS Architectures and Adaptive Controllers Anuradha Annaswamy 1135815
Anuradha Annaswamy CPS: TTP Option: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Hardening Network Infrastructures for Fast, Resilient, and Cost-Optimal Wide-Area Control of Power Systems Anuradha Annaswamy 1544751
Murat Arcak Efficient Traffic Management: A Formal Methods Approach Murat Arcak 1446145, 1446151
Er-wei Bai Source Localization by a Network of Imperfect Binary Sensors Er-wei Bai 1239509
Ou Bai A Wireless, Smart EEG System for Volitional Control of Lower-Limb Prosthesis Ou Bai 1446737
Calin Belta CPS Frontier "Collaborative Research bioCPS for Engineering Living Cells" Calin Belta 1446607, 1446592, 1446592
Bir Bhanu CPS: Synergy: Distributed Sensing, Learning and Control in Dynamic Environments Bir Bhanu 1330110
Francesco Borrelli CPS: Synergy: Provably Safe Automotive Cyber-Physical Systems with Humans-in-the-Loop Francesco Borrelli 1239323
Alper Bozkurt Collaborative Research: Cyborg Insect Networks for Exploration and Mapping (CINEMa) Alper Bozkurt 1239243
Philip Brisk Cyber-physical Digital Microfluidics: Software-programmable High-density Pixel Array Philip Brisk 1035603, 1545097, 1544686
Michael Bryant CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Hybrid Continuous-Discrete Computers for Cyber-Physical Systems Benito Fernandez 1239136
Linda Bushnell CPS: Synergy: Certifiable, Attack-resilient Submodular Control Framework for Smart Grid Stability Linda Bushnell 1544173
Christos Cassandras A Cyber-Physical Infrastructure for the "Smart City" Christos Cassandras 1239021, 1239102, 1239030
Charles Catlett Prototyping a Scalable and Evolvable Urban Sensing Platform for Smart Cities Rajesh Sankaran 1528966
M. Cenk Cavusoglu A Framework for Validation and Monitoring of Robotic Surgery Systems M. Cenk Cavusoglu 1035602
Tam Chantem Semi-Automated Emergency Response Systems Tam Chantem 1545091, 1544601
Nilanjan Ray Chaudhuri CRII: CPS: Architecture and Distributed Computation in the Networked Control Paradigm: An Autonomous Grid Example Nilanjan Ray Chaudhuri 1464208
Howard Chizeck CPS: Breakthrough: Secure Telerobotics Howard Chizeck 1329751
Rance Cleaveland Generalized Synchronization Trees Rance Cleaveland 1446665
Jorges Cortes Robust team-triggered coordination for real-time control of networked cyber-physical systems Jorges Cortes 1329619
David Culler CPS: Synergy: Software Defined Buildings David Culler 1239552
Munther Daleh Endogenous Error Pricing for Energy Imbalance Settlements Mardavij Roozbehani 1135843
Sanjoy Das Holonic Multi-Agent Control of Intelligent Power Distribution Systems Sanjoy Das 1136040
Sajal Das CPS: Breakthrough: Collaborative: Securing Smart Grid by Understanding Communications Infrastructure Dependencies Sajal Das 1545037
Sajal Das Collaborative Research: Threat Assessment Tools for Management-Coupled Cyber- and Physical- Infrastructures Sajal Das 1545050
Domitilla Del Vecchio Collaborative Research: Formal Design of Semi-Autonomous Cyberphysical Transportation Systems Domitilla Del Vecchio 1239182
Ashish Deshpande NSF-CPS-Medium: Collaborative Research: Design and development of a cybernetic exoskeleton for hand-wrist rehabilitation through the integration of human passive properties Ashish Deshpande 1135949, 1135916
Suhas Diggavi Foundations of Secure Cyber-Physical Systems Suhas Diggavi 1136174
Abhishek Dubey Experiments with Smart City Hubs: Integration Platform for Human Cyber-Physical Systems In Smart Cities Abhishek Dubey 1528799
Geir Dullerud Verifying Continuous-time Stochastic Hybrid Systems via Mori-Zwanzig Model Reduction Geir Dullerud 1329991
Magnus Egerstedt Safe and Secure Open-Access Multi-Robot Systems Magnus Egerstedt 1544332
Magnus Egerstedt CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Hybrid Control Tools for Power Management and Optimization in Cyber-Physical Systems Magnus Egerstedt 1239225
Jon Eisenberg Future Research Goals and Directions for Foundational Science in Cybersecurity, Phase Two Jon Eisenberg 1400278
Nicola Elia CPS: Breakthrough: Distributed computing under uncertainty: a new paradigm for cooperative cyber-physical systems Nicola Elia 1239319
Randall Erb CPS: Breakthrough: A Cyber-Physical Framework for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Guided Magnetic NanoParticles Randall Erb 1329649
Deniz Erdogmus CPS: TTP Option: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Nested Control of Assistive Robots through Human Intent Inference Taskin Padir 1544895, 1544636
Georgios Fainekos CAREER: Robustness Guided Testing and Verification for Cyber-Physical Systems Georgios Fainekos 1350420
Yaser Fallah CAREER: Multi-Resolution Model and Context Aware Information Networking for Cooperative Vehicle Efficiency and Safety Systems Yaser Fallah 1453125
Eric Feron Semantics of Optimization for Real Time Intelligent Embedded Systems(SORTIES) Eric Feron 1446758, 1446520, 1446812
Daniel Gajski Exploration of the Cyber-Physical Design Space Frank Vahid 1136146
John Gallagher Methodologies for Engineering with Plug-and-Learn Components: Synthesis and Analysis Across Abstraction Layers John C. Gallagher 1239196, 1239171, 1239229
Subhashini Ganapathy CPS Eager: Intelligent Agent Incident Command System (ICS) Augmentation Subhashini Ganapathy 1528550
Dennice Gayme CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Beyond Stability: Performance, Efficiency and Disturbance Management for Smart Infrastructure Systems Dennice Gayme 1544771, 1544724, 1544761, 1545096
Chris Gill CyberMech, a Novel Run-Time Substrate for Cyber-Mechanical Systems Chris Gill 1136073, 1136075
Eugene Goldfield Multi-Robot Cyberphysical System For Assisting Young Developmentally-Delayed Children in Learning to Walk Eugene Goldfield 1329363
Andrea Goldsmith Event-Based Information Acquisition, Learning, and Control in High-Dimensional Cyber-Physical Systems Mahnoosh Alizadeh 1330081, 1329819, 1329936
Mani Golparvar-Fard Autonomous Vision-based Construction Project Monitoring Mani Golparvar-Fard 1446765
Manimaran Govindarasu CPS: Synergy: High-Fidelity, Scalable, Open-Access Cyber Security Testbed for Accelerating Smart Grid Innovations & Deployments Aditya Ashok 1446831
Paul Green Driving Research: Advances in Methods Paul Green 1238600
William Griswold MetaSense: Calibration of Personal Air Quality Sensors in the Field William Griswold 1446912, 1446899
Jessy Grizzle Correct-by-Design Control Software Synthesis for Highly Dynamic Systems Aaron Ames 1239055, 1239037, 1239085, 1562236
Vijay Gupta Architectural and Algorithmic Solutions for Large Scale PEV Integration into Power Grids Vijay Gupta 1239224, 1239408, 1312390
John Hatcliff CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Trustworthy Composition of Dynamic App-Centric Architectures for Medical Application Platforms John Hatcliff & Venkatesh Ranganath 1239543, 1239324
Tian He coRide: Data-driven Ridesharing Service for Large-Scale Vehicle Networks Tian He & Desheng Zhang 1446640
Henry Zhihai He CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Cyber-Physical Sensing, Modeling, and Control for Large-Scale Wastewater Reuse and Algal Biomass Production Henry Zhihai He 1544794, 1544798
Joao Hespanha Controller Design for Systems with Clock Offsets Justin Pearson 1329650
Jianghai Hu CPS: Synergy: Plug-and-Play Cyber-Physical Systems to Enable Intelligent Buildings Panagiota Karava 1329875
Petros Ioannou CPS: Synergy: Cyber Physical Regional Freight Transportation System Petros Ioannou 1545130
Hongrui Jiang Smart Flexible Camera Sheet: Ultra-thin Semantic-guided Cooperative Micro-camera Array Hongrui Jiang 1329481
Taylor Johnson CRII: CPS: Safe Cyber-Physical Systems Upgrades Taylor Johnson 1464311
Christine Julien CPS: Synergy: Physically-Informed Assertions for CPS Development and Debugging Raul Longoria 1239498
Temesghen Kahsai Credible Autocoding and Verification of Embedded Software (CrAVES) Temesghen Kahsai 1136008, 1135955
Krishna Kant Securing Smart Grid by Understanding Communications Infrastructure Dependencies Krishna Kant & Sajal Das 1544904, 1545037
Sertac Karaman CAREER: Practical Algorithms and Fundamental Limits for Complex Cyber-Physical Systems Sertac Karaman 1350685
Sertac Karaman EAGER: Autonomy-enabled Shared Vehicles for Mobility on Demand and Urban Logistics Sertac Karaman 1523401
Sertac Karaman CPS: Synergy: Design and Control of High-performance Provably-safe Autonomy-enabled Dynamic Transportation Sertac Karaman & Mao Zhi-Hong 1544413, 1544578
Gabor Karsai Diagnostics and Prognostics Using Temporal Causal Models for Cyber Physical Systems - A Case of Smart Electric Grid Abhishek Dubey 1329803, 1329666, 1329800
Rajesh Kavasseri WARP: Wide Area Resilient Protection Rajesh Kavasseri 1544621, 1544645
Alex Kirlik CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Engineering Safety-Critical Cyber-Physical-Human Systems Alex Kirlik 1330077
Ilya Kolmanovsky CPS:GOALI:Synergy: Maneuver and Data Optimization for High Confidence Testing of Future Automotive Cyberphysical Systems Ella Atkins 1544844
Hadas Kress-Gazit High-level perception and control for autonomous reconfigurable modular robots Hadas Kress-Gazit 1329692
Bruce Krogh The KeYmaera X Theorem Prover for Hybrid Systems Nathan Fulton 1035800, 1054246
Sandeep Kulkarni Scalable Component-based Model Revision of Cyber-Physical Systems with Separation of Concerns Sandeep Kulkarni 1329807
Panganamala Kumar Boolean Microgrid P.R. Kumar & Abhishek Halder 1239116
Thomas Kurfess Converting Multi-Axis Machine Tools into Subtractive 3D Printers by using Intelligent Discrete Geometry Data Structures Thomas Kurfess 1329742
Stephane Lafortune CPS: Breakthrough: Development of Novel Architectures for Control and Diagnosis of Safety-Critical Complex Cyber-Physical System Stephane Lafortune 1446298
Sanjay Lall Sufficient Statistics for Team Decision Problems Alex Lemon 1544199
David Lary GASP: Geolocated Allergen Sensing Platform David Lary 1541227
Kincho Law Cyber Infrastructure for Bridge Lifecycle Monitoring Seongwoon Jeong 1446330
Insup Lee Synergy: Collaborative Research: Security and Privacy-Aware Cyber-Physical Systems Lu Feng & James Weimer 1505799 , 1505701
Ji-Woong Lee Digital Control of Hybrid Systems via Simulation and Bisimulation Heath Hofmann 1329539
Edward Lee A Mathematical Theory of Cyber-Physical Systems Edward Lee 1446619
Insup Lee Assuring the Safety, Security and Reliability of Medical Device Cyber Physical Systems Oleg Sokolsky 1035715
Michael Lemmon Resilient Wireless Sensor Actuator Networks Michael Lemmon 1239222
Baoxin Li GoingEasy(r) with Crowdsourcing - Building Cyber-Physical Systems for People with Visual Impairment Baoxin Li 1135616
Husheng Li CPS: Breakthrough: An Entropy Framework for Communications and Dynamics Interdependency in Cyber Physical Systems: Analysis, Design and Implementation Husheng Li 1543830
Hai Lin Dependable Multi-Robot Cooperative Tasking in Uncertain and Dynamic Environments Hai Lin 1446288 , 1446285
Zhenhua Liu Enabling Demand Response from Cloud Data Centers -- from Sustainable IT to IT for Sustainability Zhenhua Liu 1464388
Anh Luong Research Platform for Quality of Time (QoT) Stack Adwait Dongare 1329755, 1329644, 1329650
Robyn Lutz Detecting and Recovering from Faults in Programmed Molecular Systems Robyn R. Lutz 1545028
Jerome Lynch Enhanced Structural Health Monitoring of Civil Infrastructure by Observing and Controlling Loads using Cyber-Physical Systems Jerome P. Lynch 1446521
Nina Mahmoudian Power Distribution System for Continuous Operation Nina Mahmoudian 1453886
Ann Majewicz Intuitive Human-in-the-Loop Control for Medical Cyber-Physical Systems Ann Majewicz 1464432
Fillia Makedon A Novel Human Centric CPS to Improve Motor/Cognitive Assessment and Enable Adaptive Rehabilitation Fillia Makedon 1035913
Rahul Mangharam CPS: Frontier: Collaborative Research: Compositional, Approximate, and Quantitative Reasoning for Medical Cyber-Physical Systems Rahul Mangharam 1446664
Marco Gruteser Harnessing the Automotive Infoverse Shubham Jain 1330118, 1329939
Nuno Martins Remote Imaging of Community Ecology via Animal-borne Wireless Networks Nuno Martins 1135726, 1135719, 1135724
Nuno Martins Designing semi-autonomous networks of miniature robots for inspection of bridges and other large infrastructures Nuno Martins 1446785, 1446434
Nicholas Maxemchuk Verification of Intelligent Driving Systems Nick Maxemchuk 1329593
Sudip Mazumder Boolean Microgrid Sudip Mazumder 1239118
Christoph Meinrenken Advanced peak demand forcast and battery dispatch algorithms to integrate storage-based demand response with BAS Ali Mehmani 1524628
Sean Meyn Smart Power Systems of the Future: Foundations for Understanding Volatility and Improving Operational Reliability Sean Meyn 1135598, 1259040
Pitu Mirchandani MIDAS: A Cyber Physical System for Proactive Traffic Management to Enhance Mobility and Sustainability Pitu Mirchandani 1239396, 1239364
Urbashi Mitra Energy and Delay: Network Optimization in Cyber Physical Human Sensing Systems Urbashi Mitra 1446901
Jayathi Murthy Cyber Enabled Manufacturing Systems (CeMs) for Small Lot Manufacture Daniel Moser 1239343
Srinivas Narasimhan Synergy: Anytime Visual Scene Understanding for Heterogeneous and Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems Srinivasa Narasimhan 1446601
Umit Ozguner CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Collaborative Vehicular Systems Umit Ozguner 1446730, 1446735
Taskin Padir CARE: Cyber-Physical Systems for Advanced Response to Epidemics Taskin Padir 1509782 , 1545091, 1544601
Nikolaus Papanikolopoulos Dynamic Methods of Traffic Control that Impact Quality of Life in Smart Cities Theodore Morris 1544887
Fabio Pasqualetti Control-Theoretic Defense Strategies for Cyber-Physical Systems Fabio Pasqualetti 1405330
Eric Perreault Cybernetic Interfaces for the Restoration of Human Movement through Functional Electrical Stimulation Matthew Tresch 0932263
Andre Platzer Knowledge-Aware Cyber-Physical Systems Andre Platzer & Nathan Fulton 1446712
Radha Poovendran CPS: Breakthrough: Towards a Science of Attack Composition, Mitigation and Verification in CPS: A Passivity Based Approach Radha Poovendran 1446866
Hairong Qi Achieving High-Resolution Situational Awareness in Ultra-Wide-Area Cyber-Physical Systems Qing Charles Cao 1239478
Zhen (Sean) Qian Matching Parking Supply to Travel Demand towards Sustainability Sean Qian 1544826, 1544835, 1545043
Raj Rajkumar CPS: Large: Center for Autonomous Transportation Systems Raj Rajkumar 1035813
Kishore Ramachandran Programming and Execution Environment for Geo-Distributed Latency-Sensitive Applications Enrique Saurez Apuy & Steffen Maass 1446801
Parameswaran Ramanathan CPS: Synergy: Preserving Confidentiality of Sensitive Information in Power System Models Parameswaran Ramanathan 1329452
Shangping Ren Executable Distributed Medical Best Practice Guidance (EMBG) System for End-to-End Emergency Care from Rural to Regional Center Shangping Ren & Lui Sha 1545008 , 1545002
Hanz Richter Cyber-Enabled Repetitive Motions in Rehabilitation Hanz Richter 1544702
David Roberts CPS: Synergy: Integrated Sensing and Control Algorithms for Computer-Assisted Training Alper Bozkurt 1329738
Sandip Roy CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Threat-Assessment Tools for Management-Coupled Cyber and Physical Infrastructures Sandip Roy 1544863, 1545050
Nirmalya Roy Low-cost Continuous Virtual Energy Audits in Cyber-Physical Building Envelope Nirmalya Roy 1544687
Amit Roy-Chowdhury Extracting time-critical situational awareness from resource constrained networks Amit Roy-Chowdhury 1544969, 1545071
Walid Saad Towards Secure Networked Cyber-Physical Systems: A Theoretic Framework with Bounded Rationality Walid Saad 1446621, 1446570, 1446574
Murti Salapaka Learning from Cells for transport at micron scale Murti Salapaka 1544721, 1544635
Venkatesh Saligrama A Multi-Resolution Approach for Discovery and 3D Modeling of Archaeological Sites Using Satellite Imagery and a UAV-Borne Camera Mac Schwager 1330008
Ricardo Sanfelice Computationally Aware Cyber-Physical Systems Ricardo Sanfelice 1544396
Lalitha Sankar CPS: TTP Option: Synergy: A Verifiable Framework for Cyber- Physical Attacks and Countermeasures in a Resilient Electric Power Grid Kory Hedman and Lalitha Sankar 1449080
Sriram Sankaranarayanan CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: In-Silico Functional Verification of Artificial Pancreas Control Algorithms Sriram Sankaranarayanan 1446900
Soumik Sarkar A Knowledge Representation and Information Fusion Framework for Decision Making in Complex Cyber-Physical Systems Soumik Sarkar 1464279
Gunar Schirner CPS: Medium: Collaborative Research: Holistic Design Methodology for Automated Implementation of Human-in-the-Loop Cyber-Physical Systems Gunar Schirner 1136027
Curt Schurgers INSPIRE Track I: Distributed Sensing Collective to Capture 3D Soundscapes Ryan Kastner 1344291
Mac Schwager Cyber-Physical Manipulation (CPM): Locating, Manipulating, and Retrieving Large Objects with Large Populations of Robots Mac Schwager 1330036, 1330085
Peter Selier CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Managing Uncertainty in the Design of Safety-Critical Aviation Systems Peter Selier 1329390, 1329341
Raja Sengupta CPS: Medium: Making Cloud Computing Sense, Act, and Move (SAM) Raja Sengupta 1136141
Lui Sha CPS: Synergy: Integrated Emergency Cyber Physical Human Systems Lui Sha 1329886
Kai Shen CPS: Synergy: Self-Sustainable Data-Driven Systems In the Field Kai Shen 1239423
Kang Shin Adaptive management of large energy storage systems for vehicle electrification Kang Shin 1446117
Kang Shin Thermal Management of Cyber-Physical Systems C. M. Krishna 1329702
Ness Shroff CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Cognitive Green Building: A Holistic Cyber-Physical Analytic Paradigm for Energy Sustainability Jia Liu 1446582
Siddhartha Sikdar CPS: Synergy: A Novel Biomechatronic Interface Based on Wearable Dynamic Imaging Sensors Siddhartha Sikdar 1329829
Bruno Sinopoli CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Event-Based Information Acquisition, Learning, and Control in High-Dimensional Cyber-Physical Systems Bruno Sinopoli 1329936
Scott Smolka CPS: Frontier: Collaborative Research: Compositional, Approximate, and Quantitative Reasoning for Medical Cyber-Physical Systems Scott Smolka 1446583, 1446664, 1446365, 1446832, 1446725, 1446312, 1446675
Scott Smolka CPS: Frontier: Collaborative Research: Compositional, Approximate, and Quantitative Reasoning for Medical Cyber-Physical Systems Elizabeth Cherry 1446583, 1446664, 1446365, 1446832, 1446725, 1446312, 1446675
Scott Smolka Closed-Loop Formal Verification of ICDs Using Cardiac Electrophysiological Models Greg Byrne 1445770
Oleg Sokolsky Safety-Feature Modeling and Adaptive Resource Management for Mixed-Criticality Cyber-Physical Systems Oleg Sokolsky 1329984, 1329861
Jonathan Sprinkle Domain-Specific Modeling Techniques for Cyber-Physical Systems Jonathan Sprinkle 1253334
Jonathan Sprinkle Control of Vehicular Traffic Flow via Low Density Autonomous Vehicles Johnathan Sprinkle 1446435
Jonathan Sprinkle Collaborative Research: Computationally Aware Cyber-Physical Systems Jonathan Sprinkle 1544395
Siddharta Srinivasa Learning control sharing strategies for assistive cyber-physical systems Stefanos Nikolaidis 1544797
Mani Srivastava Go-RealTime: Knowledge and Control of Time in High Level Programming Language Zhou Fang 1329755, 1329644, 1329650, 1329766
Mani Srivastava Quality of Time Architecture & APIs Fatima Anwar 1329755
Mani Srivastava An End-to-end Quality of Time (QoT) Stack for Linux Andrew Symington 1329755, 1329644, 1329650
John Stankovic Eager: Detecting and Addressing Adverse Dependencies Across Human-in-the-Loop In-Home Medical Apps John Stankovic 1527563
John Stankovic Multiple-Level Predictive Control of Mobile Cyber Physical Systems with Correlated Context John Stankovic 1239483, 1536086
Radu Stoleru CAREER: Foundations for Flow-based Cyber-Physical Systems Radu Stoleru 1253968
Peter Stone Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for CPS: The Open-Source TEXPLORE Code Release for Reinforcement Learning on Robots Peter Stone 1330072
Peter Stone Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for CPS: TacTex'13: A Champion Adaptive Power Trading Agent Peter Stone 1330072
Ed Suh Safety Assurance of Cyber-Physical Systems Through Secure and Verifiable Information Flow Control Ed Suh 1544788
Katia Sycara CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Formal Models of Human Control and Interaction with Cyber-Physical Systems Katia Sycara 1329986
Janos Sztipanovits CPS-VO Active Resources Chris vanBuskirk 1521617
Janos Sztipanovits Science of Cyber-Physical System Integration Siyuan Dai 1035655
Walid Taha CPS: Medium: Collaborative Research: A CPS Approach to Robot Design Corky Cartwright 1136099, 1136104
Xiaobo Tan CPS: Synergy: Tracking Fish Movement with a School of Gliding Robotic Fish Xiaobo Tan 1446793
Herbert Tanner Efficient Control Synthesis and Learning in Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems Herbert Tanner 1035577, 1035588
Kevin Tomsovic CPS: Synergy: A Cyber Physical Framework for Remedial Action Schemes in Large Power Networks Husheng Li 1239366
Stavros Tripakis COSMOI - Compositional System Modeling with Interfaces Stavros Tripakis 1329759
Panagiotis Tsiotras Adaptive Intelligence for Cyber-Physical Automotive Active Safety System Design and Evaluation Panagiotis Tsiotras 1544814
Yannis Tsividis CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Hybrid Continuous-Discrete Computers for Cyber-Physical Systems Mingoo Seok 1239134
Umesh Vaidya A Unified System Theoretic Framework for Cyber Attack-Resilient Power Grid Umesh Vaidya 1329915
Pietro Valdastri CPS: Synergy: Integrated Modeling, Analysis and Synthesis of Miniature Medical Devices Addisu Taddese 1239355
Patricio Vela Learning to Walk - Optimal Gait Synthesis and Online Learning for Terrain-Aware Legged Locomotion Patricio Vela 1544857
Nalini Venkatasubramanian EAGER: SCALE 2 (Safe Community Awareness and Alerting) - Extending a SmartAmerica Challenge Project Nalini Venkatasubramanian 1450768
Nalini Venkatasubramanian EAGER: Exploring Resilience in SmartCity Water Infrastructure Nalini Venkatasubramanian 1528995
Yon Visell CPS Breakthrough: From Whole-Hand Tactile Imaging to Interactive Simulation Yon Visell 1446752
Jan Vitek CPS: Medium: Robust Distributed Wind Power Engineering Ethan Blanton 1523426 , 1136045
Conor Walsh Human-Machine Interaction with Mobility Enhancing Soft Exosuits Jaehyun Bae 1446464
Yan Wan Co-Design of Networking and Decentralized Control to Enable Aerial Networks in an Uncertain Airspace Yan Wan 1453722
Yan Wan EAGER: Aerial Communication Infrastructure for Smart Emergency Response Yan Wan & Shengli Fu 1522458
Jules White CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Cyber-Physical Approaches to Advanced Manufacturing Security Jules White 1446304, 1446804
Teresa Wu SMARTER -Smart Manager for Adaptive and Real-Time decisions in building clustERs Jin Wen 1239247, 1239093, 1239257
Wencen Wu Collaborative Research: Towards Effective and Efficient Sensing-Motion Co-Design of Swarming Cyber-Physical Systems Wencen Wu 1446461, 1446557, 1446484
Yufeng Xin CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Distributed Asynchronous Algorithms and Software Systems for Wide-Area Mentoring of Power Systems Yufeng Xin 1329745, 1329780
Mark Yim High-level perception and control for autonomous reconfigurable modular robots Mark Yim 1329620
Wei Yu Multistep Electricity Price in Electricity Market in Smart Grid Wei Yu 1350145
Hitten Zaveri Fault-Tolerant Brain Implantable Cyber-Physical System Hitten Zaveri & Bharat Joshi 1544986, 1544633
Hongwei Zhang A Cross-Layer Approach to Taming Cyber-Physical Uncertainties in Vehicular Wireless Networking and Platoon Control Hongwei Zhang, Le Yi Wang 1136007
Baosen Zhang Active Regression for Cyberphysical Systems Baosen Zhang 1544160
Pei Zhang Efficient Mapping and Management of Applications onto Cyber-Physical Systems Pei Zhang 1135874, 1135953
Minghui Zhu Breakthrough: CPS-Security: Towards Provably Correct Distributed Attack-Resilient Control of Unmanned-Vehicle-Operator Networks Minghui Zhu 1505664
Michael Zink CAREER: Sensing as a Service - Architectures for Closed-Loop Sensor Network Virtualization Applications Priyanka Dattatri Kedalagudde 1350752