Visible to the public 2020 National Robotics Initiative (NRI) Principal Investigators' MeetingConflict Detection Enabled

Visible to the public 

The 2020 NSF NRI PI Meeting was held Thursday, February 27 starting at 8:30 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. Friday, February 28, 2020 at the Renaissance Arlington Capital View, located at 2800 South Potomac Ave., Arlington, Virginia 22202. There was a registration fee of $100 for all non-students to attend the meeting.

The goal of this meeting was to bring together the community of researchers, industry representatives, and Government program managers who are actively engaged in the National Robotics Program that was launched during 2011 to achieve the following objectives: 

  • foster awareness and communication between NRI teams, many of whom employ complementary or competing approaches to related problems
  • offer a forum for demonstrating and sharing best practices in education, technology transfer, and general outreach
  • provide concentrated opportunities to share NRI successes with the media and other government agencies
  • establish a centralized and lasting repository representing and illustrating the research ideas explored by and milestones achieved by NRI projects over the past year


K E Y N O T E    S P E A K E R S

Glen Henshaw

Hanumant Singh