# |
Principal Investigator |
Award Title |
Award # |
1 |
Pratap Tokekar |
Coordinated Detection and Tracking of Hazardous Agents with Aerial and Aquatic Robots to Inform Emergency Responders |
1637915 |
2 |
Peter Kazanzides |
Software Framework for Research in Semi-Autonomous Teleoperation |
1637789 |
3 |
Cerwyn Chiew |
Design of nanorobotics based on iron-palladium alloy nanohelicses for a new diagnosis and treatment of cancer |
1637535 |
4 |
Matthew Walter |
Learning Adaptive Representations for Robust Mobile Robot Navigation from Multi-Modal Interactions |
1638072 |
5 |
Taskin Padir |
Cooperative Control of Humanoid Robots for Remote Operations in Nuclear Environments |
1944584 |
6 |
Matthew Spenko |
The Urban Design and Policy Implications of Ubiquitous Robots and Navigation Safety |
1830642 |
7 |
Naira Hovakimyan |
Synergetic Drone Delivery Network in Metropolis |
1830639 |
8 |
Aaron Steinfeld |
Mutually Aware Social Navigation |
1734361 |
9 |
Kenneth Bogert |
Robust Inverse Learning for Human-Robot Collaboration |
1830421 |
10 |
Jacopo Banfi |
Probabilistic Hypothesis-Driven Adaptive Human-Robot Teams |
1830497 |
11 |
Anirban Mazumdar |
Rapid Operator Awareness via Mobile Robotics (ROAMR), Customizable Human Safety using Mobile and Wearable Co-Robots |
1830498 |
12 |
Peter Adamczyk |
Hybrid Active-Passive Actuation for Safety and Performance in Physical Human-Robot Collaboration and Rehabilitation |
1830516 |
13 |
Cynthia Breazeal |
Development, Deployment and Evaluation of Personalized Learning Companion Robots for Early Literacy and Language Learning |
1734443 |
14 |
Florence Sullivan |
Girls Immersed in Robotics Learning Simulations (GIRLS) |
1830450 |
15 |
Ryan Williams |
Balancing Collaboration and Autonomy for Multi-Robot Multi-Human Search and Rescue |
1830414 |
16 |
Alan Wagner |
Interactive and collaborative robot-assisted emergency evacuations |
1830390 |
17 |
Carrick Detweiler |
Enabling UAS Fire Ignitions in Complex Firefighting Contexts |
1638099 |
18 |
Lydia Kavraki |
Robotic Collaboration through Scalable Reactive Synthesis |
1830549 |
19 |
Nitish Thakor |
Scalable, Customizable Sensory Solutions for Dexterous Robotic Hands |
1849417 |
20 |
Fabrizio Sergi |
Goal-Oriented, subject-Adaptive, robot-assisted Locomotor Learning (GOALL) |
1638007 |
21 |
Elliot Hawkes |
Mesh Of Robots on a Pneumatic Highway (MORPH): An Untethered, Human-Safe, Shape-Morphing Robotic Platform |
1925373 |
22 |
Kinsey Herrin |
Accelerating Large-Scale Adoption of Robotic Lower-Limb Prostheses through Personalized Prosthesis Controller Adaptation |
1734416 |
Session 2: Thursday, February 27, 5:20pm - 6:00pm |
# |
Principal Investigator |
Award Title |
Award # |
1 |
Bryan Minor |
Learning-Enabled Robot Support of Daily Activities for Successful Activity Completion |
1734558 |
2 |
Aaron Young |
Robotic Human Enhancement Enabled through Wearable Hip Exoskeletons Capable of Community Ambulation |
1830215 |
3 |
Kris Hauser |
Customizing Semi-Autonomous Nursing Robots using Human Expertise |
1830366 |
4 |
Michael Yip |
A Foundational Approach to Muscle Actuators that Lowers Barriers to Muscle-Powered Robotics Research |
1830403 |
5 |
Michael Posa |
Contact-aware Control of Dynamic Manipulation |
1830218 |
6 |
Carmel Majidi |
Soft Active Contact Pads with Tunable Stiffness and Adhesion for Customizable Robotic Grasping |
1830362 |
7 |
Vishesh Vikas |
M3SoRo - Mobility and Morphing using Modular Soft Robots |
1830432 |
8 |
Hao Su |
Soft Wearable Robots for Injury Prevention and Performance Augmentation |
1830613 |
9 |
John Rieffel |
Behavioral Repertoires for Soft Robotics |
1939930 |
10 |
Edwin Olson |
Connected and Continuous Multi-Policy Decision Making |
1830615 |
11 |
Bradley Hayes |
Life-long Learning for Motion Planning by Robots in Human Populated Environments |
1830686 |
12 |
Gustavo Almeida |
Cyberlearning with Co-Robotic Teachable Agents |
1941053 |
13 |
Dan Popa |
Light-Powered Microrobots for Future MIcrofactories |
1734383 |
14 |
Marcia O'Malley |
Intuitive, Wearable Haptic Devices for Communication with Ubiquitous Robots |
1830146 |
15 |
Michael Gleicher |
Communicating Physical Interactions |
1830242 |
16 |
Matthew Walter |
Shared Autonomy for Unstructured Underwater Environments through Vision and Language |
1830660 |
17 |
Xiaolin Hu |
Collaborative Autonomy and Safety for Teamed Human-Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Fast Evolving Wildfire Environment |
1830404 |
18 |
Ajay Sharda |
An autonomous insect Sense, Identify, and Manage PLatform (SIMPL) to advance crop protection strategies |
1830574 |
19 |
Girish Chowdhary |
Multipurpose Dexterous Soft and Continuum Arms for Compact Ag-bots |
1830343 |
20 |
Nikolay Atanasov |
Distributed Bayesian Learning and Safe Control for Autonomous Wildfire Detection |
1830399 |
21 |
Philip Dames |
Distributed, Semantically-Aware Tracking and Planning for Fleets of Robots |
1830419 |
22 |
Kris Kitani |
A Cognitive Navigation Assistant for the Blind |
1637927 |
23 |
Joseph LaViola |
Sketching Geometry and Physics Informed Inference for Mobile Robot Manipulation in Cluttered Scenes |
1638060 |
24 |
Satyandra Gupta |
Human-Guided Robot Teams for Manipulating Large Flexible Sheets in Manufacturing Applications |
1925084 |
25 |
Raymond Mooney |
Robots that Learn to Communicate through Natural Human Dialog |
1637736 |
26 |
Simon Lucey |
A New Paradigm for Geometric Reasoning through Structure from Category |
1925281 |
27 |
Stefanie Tellex |
A Gateway Drone for High School Students |
1940970 |
Session 3: Friday, February 28, 11:20am - 12:00pm |
# |
Principal Investigator |
Award Title |
Award # |
1 |
Bing Ouyang |
Hybrid Aerial/Underwater Robotic System (HAUCS) for Scalable, Adaptable Maintenance of Aquaculture Fish Farms |
1830227 |
2 |
Momotaz Begum |
Robust Learning of Sequential Motion from Human Demonstrations to Enable Robot-guided Exercise Training |
1830597 |
3 |
Yogesh Girdhar |
Co-Multi-Robotic Exploration of the Benthic Seafloor - New Methods for Distributed Scene Understanding and Exploration in the Presence of Communication Constraints |
1734400 |
4 |
Ian Walker |
3D Concrete Printing with Macro-Micro Robots |
1924721 |
5 |
Marin Kobilarov |
Unifying standard physics-based control with learning-based perception and action to enable safe and agile object manipulation using unmanned aerial vehicles |
1925189 |
6 |
Hadas Kress Gazit |
Ad-hoc collaborative human-robot swarms |
1830471 |
7 |
Marynel Vázquez |
Spatial Patterns of Behavior in Human-Robot Interaction Under Environmental Spatial Constraints |
1924802 |
8 |
Ye Zhao |
Robust and Scalable Planning for Agile and Collaborative Robot Teammates in Complex Environments |
1924978 |
9 |
Kaveh Akbari Hamed |
Hierarchical Safe, and Distributed Feedback Control of Multiagent Legged Robots for Cooperative Locomotion and Manipulation |
1924617 |
10 |
Lucas Janson |
Robust Grasping by Integrating Machine Learning with Physical Models |
1924984 |
11 |
Mohammad Khalid Jawed |
Physics-based training of robots for manipulation of ropes and clothes |
1925360 |
12 |
Oliver Kroemer |
Agile and Dynamic Interactions for Mobile Manipulation |
1925130 |
13 |
Shiqi Zhang |
Knowledge-based Robot Sequential Decision Making under Uncertainty |
1925044 |
14 |
Wenlong Zhang |
Scalable and Customizable Intent Inference and Motion Planning for Socially-Adept Autonomous Vehicles |
1925403 |
15 |
Aaron Johnson |
Design of dynamic multibehavioral robots: new tools to consider design tradeoff and enable more capable robotic systems |
1924723 |
16 |
Raymond Mooney |
Improving Robot Learning from Feedback and Demonstration using Natural Language |
1925082 |
17 |
Yunsheng Li |
Towards Scalable and Self-Aware Robotic Perception |
1924937 |
18 |
Juan Wachs |
FIngers See Things Differently (FIST-D): A Robotic Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) based on Augmented Tactile Imaging |
1925194 |
19 |
Gregory Hager |
Experiential Learning for Robots: From Physics to Actions to Tasks |
1637949 |
20 |
Sung Cho |
3-D Maneuverable Feedback-Controlled Micro Swimming Drone for Biomedical Applications |
1637815 |
21 |
Matthew Spenko |
Receding Horizon Integrity-A New Navigation Safety Methodology for Co-Robotic Passenger Vehicles |
1637899 |
22 |
Katie Fitzsimons |
Task-Based Assistance for Software-Enabled Biomedical Devices |
1637764 |
23 |
Xiaogang Hu |
Towards Restoring Natural Sensation of Hand Amputees via Wearable Surface Grid Electrodes |
1637892 |
24 |
Nancy Pollard |
Design and Fabrication of Robot Hands for Dexterous Tasks |
1637853 |
25 |
Yunsheng Li |
Real-time Semantic Computer Vision for Co-Robotics |
1637941 |