Software Certification Consortium Meeting #21
Fundamental Questions Regarding Assuring Safety of Software Intensive Systems?
May 11-12, 2023 | Maryland Inn - Historic Inns of Annapolis
Co-located with the HCSS Conference
Conference Archives:
0730 - 0845 | Breakfast | Registration (until 5:00pm) |
0845 - 0915 | Welcome - Introductions |
0915 - 0945 | Assuring safe interoperability of medical systems through Conformance Profiles: Opportunities and Challenges Jens Weber, UVic/UBC |
0945 - 1015 | Preview of emerging safety standards for next generation automotive software Ramesh S, GM R&D |
1015 - 1030 | Moderated Discussion |
1030 - 1045 | Refreshment Break |
1045 - 1115 | Challenges in assuring safety of nuclear reactor protection systems - one prespective Sushil Birla, US NRC |
1115- 1145 | Dynamic Assurance Cases: Closing the loop between design and operational assurance Ewen Denney, KBR/NASA Ames |
1145 - 1200 | Moderated Discussion |
1200 - 1300 | Lunch |
1300 - 1330 | Complexity-awareness in the design of safety critical systems as a first class citizen Carl Elks, Virginia Commonwealth U |
1330 - 1400 | Functional Safety Standardization Jyotika Athavale, NVIDIA |
1400 - 1415 | Moderated Discussion |
1415 - 1445 | Systematic identification of use-related safety hazards in next-gen medical systems Paolo Masci, NIA and NASA Langley |
1445 - 1515 | Dealing with requirements validation in safe & secure civil avionics Kristin Yvonne Rozier, Iowa State U |
1515 - 1530 | Moderated Discussion |
1530 - 1545 | Refreshment Break |
1545 - 1615 | CERN LHC machine protection assurance case argument - assurance grounded in technical understanding rather than process compliance Jeff Joyce, Laure Millet, and Simon Diemert, Critical Systems Labs |
1615 - 1630 | Open Discussion |
1630 - 1800 | Panel
ii) If we use them, can we assure the safety of autonomous vehicles at the time of, and after, deployment? 15 minutes each panelist, 5 minutes each rebuttal, then open discussion |
FRIDAY, MAY 12 | |
0730 - 0845 | Breakfast |
0845 - 0900 | Welcome - Quicker Introductions |
0900 - 0930 | Identifying and addressing challenges for safe and secure complex systems John McDermid, UYork |
0930 - 0945 | Open Discussion |
0945 - 1000 | Refreshment Break |
1000 - 1030 | Architecting Software Assurance Shankar, SRI |
1030 - 1100 | Communicating assurance: How to convince someone else your system is secure Matthew Bauer, Galois |
1100 - 1130 | Is design diversity essential/effective/practical for critical systems? Sam Procter, SEI |
1130 - 1200 | Moderated Discussion |
1200 - 1300 | Lunch |
1300 - 1330 | Safety expertise matters more than you might think Mallory Graydon, NASA Langley |
1330 - 1345 | Open Discussion |
1345 - 1515 | Panel
15 minutes each panelist, 5 minutes each rebuttal, then open discussion |
1515 - 1530 | Refreshment Break |
1530 - 1630 | Wrap-up Discussion on publication and future meeting(s) |