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Visible to the public SCC Meeting 21 Program Agenda

Software Certification Consortium Meeting #21
Fundamental Questions Regarding Assuring Safety of Software Intensive Systems?

May 11-12, 2023 | Maryland Inn - Historic Inns of Annapolis
Co-located with the HCSS Conference

Conference Archives:


Visible to the public Regulator task force on safety critical software for nuclear reactors

Regulator task force on safety critical software for nuclear reactors aims to co-ordinate and document regulators' and safety authority experts' technical viewpoints on the use of safety critical software for nuclear reactors, both existing and new build (membership is not restricted to regulators involved in new build).


Visible to the public COVID-19 Update

On behalf of the SCC Steering Committee:

We hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy. Please be careful. Protect yourselves and protect the vulnerable.

SCC's usual meeting co-located with HCSS in May in Annapolis will clearly not take place this year.


Visible to the public  SCC Meeting 10 - Program Agenda


Visible to the public Software Certification Consortium Meeting #9


Visible to the public SCC Meeting 7 - Program Agenda


Visible to the public SCC Meeting 11 - Program Agenda


Visible to the public SCC Meeting 19 Program Agenda

Software Certification Consortium Meeting #19
Fundamentals of Effective Assurance Cases

May 11-12, 2017 | Annapolis, Maryland | Co-located with HCSS 2018