2014 3PMCES Workshop
3PMCES - Performance, Power and Predictability of Many-Core Embedded Systems
DATE 2014 Friday Workshop
The scope of the workshop is to address challenges of embedded portable software development on multi-core structures related to various performance aspects, power efficiency, correctness and reliability including aging. The workshop will present the current state of these efforts, achieved results so far, and will devise future ways of potential further enhancements. It will address key challenges in the provision of integrated solutions, including secure, reliable, and timely operations, back-annotation based forward system governance, tool-tool, tool-middleware, and middleware-hardware exchange interfaces, and energy management with minimal run-time overhead.
Besides conceptual solutions, it will give an overview of practical in-field experiments on real industry projects provided for "seamless connectivity and middleware" by realizing a common middleware layer that is designed to support new wireless communication standards, while being portable across different platforms. It will also demonstrate some of the developed tools and preliminary results achieved in three European projects: CRAFTERS (www.crafters-project.org), PaPP (www.papp-project.eu) and RELY (www.rely-project.eu).
We will discuss the experiences from working with the tools on industrial applications.
Organizing Committee:
Tapani Ahonen - senior scientist at Technoconsult (TC), assistant professor at Tampere University of Technology (TUT), Finland.
Mats Brorsson - professor of Computer Architecture at KTH, Sweden and a senior researcher at Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS).
Sven Karlsson - associate professor at DTU Compute, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark.
Walter Stechele - associate professor at Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany
Adam Morawiec - director at ECSI, France.