Visible to the public Call for ESWEEK'11 Workshop Proposals

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Dear Colleague,

ESWEEK 2011 ( in Taipei Taiwan will include several workshops on Sunday October 9, Thursday October 13 and Friday October 14.

ESWEEK workshops are excellent opportunities to bring together researchers from different communities to share their experiences and to foster collaboration of new and innovative R&D projects.

If you have a proposal that could be of interest to the ESWEEK community, do not delay and submit your proposal as soon as possible!

Details for the submission:

* Proposals should be submitted at the latest by May 10, 2011, 17h00 PST

* 2-page maximum PDF file, including the following information: - title; - abstract (max 200 words); - organizers with short bio and affiliation; - list of topics to be covered; - in case the workshop has been previously held, provide information on the dates, and number of attendees. - for new workshops, the no of days (half-day/one-day/one day and half) and the expected no. of participants

Please send your proposals by email addressed to Gabriela Nicolescu ( and write "[ESWEEK 2011] Workshop Proposal" on the e-mail subject line.

Thank you and Best regards, Gabriela Nicolescu, Polytechnique Montreal, Canada Jian-Jia Chen, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany Jenq-Kuen Lee, National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan ESWEEK 2011 Workshops Chairs