Visible to the public ESWEEK 2011: Call for tutorial proposals

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Dear Colleague,

ESWEEK 2011 ( in Taipei Taiwan will include a tutorial day on Sunday, October 9.

As in previous years ESWEEK will be offering half-day tutorials, in the morning and in the afternoon.

If you have a proposal that could be of interest to the ESWEEK community, do not delay and submit your proposal as soon as possible!

Details for the submission: * WHY?: + ESWEEK is the top international event bringing together conferences, tutorials, and workshops centered on the most advanced Embedded Systems R&D topics.

+ ESWEEK tutorials are widely attended and give plenty of dissemination opportunities to consolidated R&D work.

* WHEN?: + Proposals should be submitted at the latest by May 15th, 2011, 17h00 PST

* WHAT?: + 2-page maximum PDF file, including the following information: - title; - abstract (max 200 words); - organizers and speakers with short bio and affiliation; - list of topics to be covered; - in case the tutorial has been previously held, provide information on the conference, date, and number of attendees.

* SENT TO?: + Miguel Miranda ( - ESWEEK 2011 tutorial chair

Please write "[ESWEEK 2011] Tutorial Proposal" on the e-mail subject line.

Thank you and Best regards, Miguel Miranda