EDCC 2014 - Call for Fast Abstracts
Fast Abstracts are short presentations of work in progress or opinion
pieces (maximum 2 pages in the CPS 8.5"x11" two-column camera-ready
format). Fast Abstracts aim to serve as a rapid and flexible mechanism
- Report on current work that may or may not be complete
- Introduce new ideas to the community
- State positions on controversial issues or open problems
- Receive early feedback on new research ideas or topics
Major Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Architectures and protocols for dependability and security;
- Dependability and security in various contexts;
- Modeling, monitoring, benchmarking, measurement, assessment, assurance, and evaluation;
- Adaptive and autonomous dependability and security;
- Fault and intrusion tolerance;
- Security, privacy, and safety policies;
- Critical infrastructure protection and survivability;
- Safety- and mission-critical systems;
- Time-critical systems;
- Social and psychological factors;
- Formal methods for dependability and security;
- Software engineering for dependability and security.
Contributions from academia and industry are welcome. Participants in
this track will present a short talk of 8-10 minutes and publish a
two-page abstract in the Computing Research Repository (CoRR).
Fast Abstracts will not be refereed. Instead, the Fast Abstracts Chair
and the Conference Program Chair will lightly screen the submissions.
The criteria for acceptance will be: i) relevance and interest to the
community, and ii) arrival time. Therefore, authors are encouraged to
send their submission well in advance before the final deadline. We will
accept as many Fast Abstracts as possible, but the number is limited by
the available presentation time at the conference. By submitting a Fast
Abstract, you are committing yourself or one of your colleagues to
present the work at the conference.
All submissions should be made electronically, by e-mail, to the Fast
Abstracts chair. A Fast Abstract is limited to 2 pages and must be
submitted in PDF format in its final form, ready to be printed. The
authors are required to follow the CPS 8.5"x11" two-column camera-ready
format (see http://www.computer.org/portal/web/cscps/formatting for
templates and formatting details).
Please use the following naming convention for your submission:
FA_<Auth>_<Inst>.pdf where <Auth> is the first author's last name, and
<Inst> is an abbreviation of the first author's institution.
Important Dates:
- Submission deadline: March 28th, 2014
- Acceptance notification: April 4th, 2014
Questions or comments about the Fast Abstracts should be directed to the
Fast Abstracts Chair: Peter Puschner, Vienna University of Technology,
All submissions will be confirmed via return e-mail. If you do not
receive a confirmation within 48 hours after the submission, please
contact the Fast Abstracts Chair.
Peter Puschner (peter@vmars.tuwien.ac.at) Vienna University of
Technology, Austria EDCC Fast Abstracts Chair