Visible to the public User-Centered Design for Security

Project Details


Performance Period

Dec 20, 2024

Ranked 42 out of 118 Group Projects in this group.
10044 related hits.

Human choice and behavior are critical to the effectiveness of many security systems; unfortunately, security designers often take little consideration of user preferences, perceptions, abilities, and usability workflow. To address these challenges, we propose research on the user-centric design of security applications, and the development of new usable-security measurement techniques and metrics to inform the design and development of new cybersecurity applications. We will focus on two primary tasks: (1) Empirical measurments of human behavior, the gathering of empirical data of about human behavior vis-a-vis cyber security systems; and, (2) Developing user-based security and usability metrics, the development of new metrics for measuring security based on user perception of security-usability using data collected from empirical studies.