Visible to the public 2014 TCIPG Industry Workshop

The 2014 Trustworthy Cyber Infrastructure for the Power Grid (TCIPG) Workshop will be held November 12-13, 2014 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, with a welcome reception on the evening of November 11.

The Annual Industry Workshop is by invitation only and focuses on the technology development, technology transition, education, and awareness that are essential for developing a resilient power grid. The workshop aims to continue the ongoing dialogue among industry, utilities, government and TCIPG researchers that leverages key strengths of each community and brings us closer to common cybersecurity goals.

Invited speakers and panelists from industry, national labs, government agencies, and TCIPG partner institutions will discuss leading research results and engage in a dialogue to address key challenges and problems. Workshop topics may focus on architectures, components, and best practices for resilient power grid systems. This includes but is not limited to research and development of security mechanisms, architecture design and verification, component design and validation, technology development and transition, and interoperability of considerations.

For more information, or to request and invitation with a registration link, contact Cheri Soliday, TCIPG Research Program Manager, at Please provide complete contact information, including your interest or role in smart grid technology.

For more information about TCIPG Industry Workshops, visit the 2013 Industry Workshop Archives.

Event Details
Champaign, Illinois - iHotel and Conference Center