ESWEEK 2014 Call for Tutorials
Thu, 06/12/2014 - 2:05pm
The Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK) is a leading forum where researchers and practitioners meet to discuss solutions to the hardest problems faced today and foreseen for the future in the development of embedded systems. Three conferences take place at the same time and location - CASES, CODES+ISSS and EMSOFT - covering a wide range of topics. ESWEEK seeks to extend the technical program with tutorials on selected topics that are of interest to the embedded systems community. Tutorials can be given in the form of lectures, mini-workshops or hands-on exercises.
ESWEEK 2014 Tutorial Chair: Alessandro Pinto, United Technology Research Center Inc., Berkeley, CA (
Submission Details:
- Proposals should be submitted at the latest by June 27th, 2014, 17:00 PST
- 3-page maximum PDF file, including the following information:
- title;
- abstract (max 250 words);
- motivation for the tutorial: why is the tutorial important?
- organizers and speakers with short bio and affiliation;
- list of topics to be covered;
- form of the tutorial (lecture, hands-on) and any special requirement for the tutorial room
- in case the tutorial has been previously held, provide information on the conference, date, and expected number of attendees.
- Please send your proposals by email addressed to Alessandro Pinto (