Visible to the public CPSArch 2014 workshop

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Marilyn Wolf
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Established Community Member
Joined: May 11 2011

CPSArch 2014 will be held as part of Embedded Systems Week:

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are poised to play a pivotal role in addressing a variety of planetary-scale grand challenges such as energy conservation, climate change, healthcare, transportation, etc. These systems tightly integrate computing, communication, sensing, and control functionality to enable the creation of new computing platforms that can act as a bridge between the cyber and physical worlds. The design of cyber-physical systems poses many new design challenges to hardware and software architects. For example, how do we build platforms for cyber-physical systems? What design methodologies are suitable for control/computing and cyber/physical co-design? Do software design reuse methodologies apply in cyber-physical systems?

The design of cyber-physical systems today is more of an art than a science, largely consisting of deployment-specific solutions that depend, in large part, on designer intuition and experience. The embedded systems community, as a whole, has a tremendous amount of experience in the development of structured and rigorous design methodologies for hardware and software design. The purpose of this workshop is to bring some of that expertise and structured design to the world of cyber-physical systems.

The workshop will cover various cyber-physical system architecture and design methodology related topics (see the CFP for further details). It is designed to foster interaction and presentation of early results, new ideas, and speculative directions in this emerging and cross-disciplinary area. Prospective authors are invited to submit original contributions that will be included in an informal workshop digest distributed to all registered attendees. The workshop will also include a number of invited talks from researchers in academia and industry.